Chapter 37

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Ross Lynch's birthday is TODAY??? Nobody told me. Happy birthday Ross. Why is everyone getting so old, man. We grow up too fast. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Laura's POV

I tossed and turned on my bed, worrying about things. Unnecessary things. Such as if I was going to get the part or not.


I opened my laptop and read the email.

Ms. Marano,

Thank you for auditioning. You made an excellent Ally. You will meet your co-stars tomorrow at 6:30 AM. Don't worry, you might know all your co-stars. They auditioned very well. They seem nice. -Jorge Cooper

I gasped in delight, and leaped all over my room. I stopped, then fell on my bed. I have a problem. I don't even know who my cast mates are.

What if they don't like me? What if they think I sing bad? What if they don't like my personality? What if they think I'm boring? I had a thousand more of those questions.

But I do hope I get some great co-stars that will like me. Wait, that makes me sound desperate. I chuckle to myself and watched TV until I finally fell asleep with no worries.


"Wake up!" I hear Ross say.

I groan.

"It's your 16th birthday!" Ross said.

I immediately sit up and hug him.

"Umm, you can get off of me now."

"Oh whoops," I apologize letting go of him.

But instead of calming myself down, I stand up and jump all around my room. But I stop. Gee, I've been stopping a lot.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Ross checked his watch.

"3:00 in the morning," he said casually.

"What?! Why would you wake me up so early?"

"Because I have to get to a set, remember I auditioned? And I have to go at six."

"Oh, I forgot that I have to be at a set at six o'clock too," I remind myself.

"Why don't you get ready and we can go to Starbucks or something," Ross offered.

"Sure!" I replied louder than unexpected.

I laughed while Ross looked at me weird.

"Just get ready," he said trying not to laugh.

I took a shower and got dressed.

We drove to Starbucks and chatted about life.


"So what's the show's name?" Ross asked me.

"Oh it's called A-oh no. I better get going to the set. Drop me off at my house."

We quickly got out of Starbucks, and he dropped me off at my house then left. I unlocked my car and drove to the set. Unfortunately I got stuck in traffic and arrived late.

I hopped out of my car and walked towards the set. I walked inside and looked around. I guess everyone was in another room. I had to use the bathroom very badly.

I ran into the nearest bathroom.

Ross' POV

The cast was still waiting for one person. She was the Ally. The show was called Austin and Ally. But I just wish that Laura would be Ally. She would be perfect for Ally.

"Everyone split up and look around for the female lead," the director announced.

The first place I thought of was the actual set. I walked around and peeked in spaces. But I had no luck.

The second place I thought of was the reading table. I looked above and under the table.

No use.

I thought of the recording studio that was inside the building. I walked into the recording studio and search everywhere.

Couldn't find her there either.

But the last place I could think of was in one of the bathrooms. I mean I wasn't going to look in there. I was going to wait by a bathroom for 5-10 minutes.

I walked to one bathroom and waited. But no one walked out.

I walked to another one and waited. But no walked out either.

I found another bathroom and waited. I heard someone come out.

"Hey! Everyone was looking fo-oh hey Jessica," I said.

"Hey, if you're looking for the female lead, she's not in there."

I sighed as she walked away.

I checked a few more bathrooms but no luck. The place was huge.


I checked every single bathroom except for the one near the entrance. I waited and waited. But no one came out.

I sulked onto the floor. Thinking to myself,"I wish Laura was here."

"Laura would make the perfect Ally," I said to myself.

"And what if I am?"


END OF PART 1! PART 2 COMING SOON! (Part 2 is still going to be in this book but I'm taking a break :P) Thank you for reading this so far! I start to write Part 2 when I get 15-20k reads. So tell your friends to read this and help me reach my goal!

Thank you for being such good readers, you're awesome!


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