Chapter 33

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Laura's POV

I got out of the hospital last because I had the most injuries. Vanessa picked me up and she's driving me to my house. It was a very silent ride, very silent. Vanessa eventually needed gas and stopped at a gas station.

"I'll be right back, I have to pay," she said.

"Okay," I replied.

Vanessa walked away and rummaged through her purse for her wallet. I sighed. I was humming the tune of Unconditionally by Katy Perry until I heard a bang from the driver's window.

It was a man with a beard, he looked drunk. It was unpleasant to see anyone like this. I looked away and shrugged it off. He banged on the window again. I rolled my eyes.

He tried opening the door, but I just remembered that Vanessa locked the door before leaving to pay for the gas. I gave the man a "so-hah!" face. He grumbled and growled.

He was quite scary. The man broke the door handle and let himself inside the car. I screamed as loud as I could. People just stared and carried on. Unbelievable!

I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed louder than I should.

"Laura? Are you alright?" Vanessa asked.

I opened my eyes to see Vanessa climbing into the car and no bearded man. What a relief! I was scared to death!

"What happened?" Vanessa asked.

"Long story," I said looking out the window.

Vanessa started the engine and started driving. I huffed silently and slipped the thought of the bearded man away. Vanessa looked straight ahead.

I couldn't stop thinking about Logan though. What was his problem? I've never done anything to him.


"Yes Laura?"

"Why did Logan do that?"

"Do what?"

"Skin us alive."

She kept silent.

"Skin us alive," I said again.

She sighed and parked outside of my house.

"Kindergarten," Vanessa said.

"What happened in kindergarten?" I asked.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend. But we were TOO young."

"Wow, in kindergarten," I looked at her.

"I dated Riker, he probably got mad. Then he asked Rydel, she fell under his spell."

"Then what does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"Rydel broke up with him, so Logan saw you and thought he could trick you into something," Vanessa said.

"What something?"

"He abuses girls, that's where I got this," she said pointing to her neck.

"Ouch," I said.

"I better get going, I have to go over some lines."

I opened the car door and hopped out. I waved as she drove away. I didn't want to be in my house alone, so I called up Rydel. She said she would over in a few minutes. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

I forgot about the colorful house I called home. I smiled a bit. I sat down on the couch and watched TV. It was automatically set to Disney Channel. Soon I was going to be on there, on tv. I couldn't wait.

A few minutes later Rydel walked in with the girl that I thought I would never see again...


DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! (BTW This was a filler...) The suspense... CONTEST TIME!!!

Hello! I need a name for "the girl".


1- Go on Instagram

2- Search for my username @itzbasicbri

3- Follow

4- Go to the "Contest for Wattpad!" Post

5- Comment the name of the character, it can be your name or a random name

6- Come back here and comment "DONE!"

GOOD LUCK! (Winner will be chosen randomly)


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