Chapter 38

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Ross' POV

"And what if I am?"

My eyes were wide with excitement. I turned around and saw Laura smiling at me. I hugged her instead.

"Laura?! H-How did you-"

"Umm, duh. I work here. What do you think?" Laura cuts me off.

I just stood there with a goofy smile on my face, and all Laura did was look at me weirdly.

" are ya?" Laura asked awkwardly.

I scrunch her up even more into the hug.

"R-Ross, you're h-hurting me."

"Oh, sorry," I say as I let her go.

I just couldn't stop smiling at her.



"Why are you smiling?"

"I'm just happy you're here. You know I was worried of who got the part."

"Oh," Laura giggles.

"Guess who's here?!" I shout.

People start to flood around us. Raini appears out of nowhere.

"Laura?!" Raini yells.


They both squeeze each other.

"We can bond later, but we have a scene to do!" Kate said.


We finished the last episode of the second season. I was pumped. At least the show would go on.

The cast are having a picnic. I'm with them, Laura beside me.

I smile down at her, she smiles back. Maybe it wouldn't be bad. Maybe I can ask her out someday.

And that someday will be today.


Thank you for reading, but there probably won't be a sequel...I'm busy, and I don't think I have enough time to write. I'll try to make a sequel :/


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