Chapter 31

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Laura's POV

I dialed Rydel's number, and after two rings she picked up.

"Hey Rydel! What's up?" I asked.

"Hey Rydel! What's up?" the voice on the other line mimicked.

That's not Rydel's voice. It's Logan's!

"Logan! I should've known, uh...I'm not used to doing this, I've never had done anything like this before. You see I'm a good girl and all, and I never get into any tro- never mind. Now, what do you want?!" I yelled.

"You," was all he said.


"You, I want you. Just you, no one else."

"No, like you would ever find me, loser. And why do you have Rydel's phone?! You bas-" I felt a hand cover my mouth.

I turned my head to see Logan. I screamed as loud as I can. But all Logan did was laugh his head off.

"Nobody's here, genius. Why are you screaming anyway?" he said in between laughs.

I glared at him. I had an idea. I spit in his hand. I know it's gross, but for a guy like Logan it would gross him out.

"Eww!" Logan squealed like a little girl.

His hand moved from my mouth, then down to my waist. He then wiped my spit there. Logan threw me up onto his shoulder, and he walked out of the house.

"Let me go you loser!" I yelled.

"Let me go you loser!" Logan mimicked.

I rolled my eyes. But I screamed as well. Then I got thrown into the back of a car. Logan shut it.

"Laura?" said a voice.


We hugged in the slight darkness of the trunk.

"Laura call the family, we need help," she whispered.

I checked my pockets for my phone but no luck.

"It's not in my pockets."

"Great," was all she said.

A few minutes later we came to a stop. Rydel and I saw Logan walk out of the car and knock on the door of a house. A familiar face opened it.


The second she greeted him Logan grabbed her arm, opened the trunk, and shoved her in with the rest of us. Vanessa gave me worried look.

"What's going on?" Vanessa whispered.

"I don't know," Rydel and I whispered back in unison.

"What do we do?!" Vanessa whisper-shouted.

"I don't know!" Rydel whispered.

"Vanessa? Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I think I'm here for his 'revenge' thing," Vanessa said rolling her eyes.

"Wait, why am I here?" Rydel said.

"And why am I here?" I said as well.

"Because all of you guys left me! Now could you please shush it!" Logan yelled from the front of the car.

"What?" Vanessa, Rydel, and I said I'm unison.

"What do you mean?" Vanessa asked.

No answer.

We saw Logan open his door and jump out. The convertible was still moving, and we were heading towards a cliff. Vanessa, Rydel, and I screamed as loud as we could. We descended rather quickly. A few seconds later we came down to a crash.

The convertible broke, the red substance rose from our fragile skin. I was still awake, but Rydel and Vanessa fell unconscious.

"Rydel?! Vanessa?!" I called.

They sat still, blood still rising. I climbed to the front of the car to access our cell phones. I unlocked my cell phone and dialed 911. I told them everything, and they said that they were on the way.

Why did Logan do it?


Hiya! Sorry for the slow update, but I have school too. I'm not a robot. Okay???


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