Chapter 35

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Ross's POV

I woke up to Laura reading to herself.

"You'll never get away with it Lucinda! You'll never find the key to Le Jensto!" Laura whisper-shouted to herself.

She mouthed some other words and continues.

"Ah sim, encontrarei a chave. Você nunca vai apanhar-me, Katrina. E quando eu encontrar a chave eu governarei Floristia!" Laura whispers again.

I squint to see what she was reading. I roll my eyes and spoke.

"A Luta para Floristia? What does that even mean?" I said.

She jumps slightly and faces me,"It's Portuguese for The Fight for Floristia."

"That explains all the foreign language. But why are you up at 2:00 in the morning?" I asked.

"I'm trying to catch up after you disturbed me for that talk," she replies.

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"It's fine."

"Shut up!" a familiar Australian-accent said.

"Meghan," Laura grunts.

Meghan opens the door.

"Meghan Mitchell what a surprise, now what are you doing here?" Laura asked.

"The name is Maia Mitchell now, get it right," Me-Maia growls.

"What are you doing here?" Laura repeats.

"I was just visiting my poor Uncle Frank," Maia said with a pout.

"Whatever, now get out!" I yelled.

The nurse came to our room.

"What is going on he-Meghan Mitchell," the nurse grunted.

"It's Maia Mitchell, get it right!" Maia yelled.

"You were banned from this hospital!" the nurse replied.

"Was not!" Maia screamed.

"Security!" the nurse yelled.

Suddenly two men in black suits arrived and took Maia away.

"I'll get revenge Laura Marano!" Maia screams as she gets carried away.

The nurse leaves as well.

"Now back to my book, want me to read it to you?" Laura asks me.


"Pwease," she makes the baby voice and pouts.

I roll my eyes,"Fine."

I stand up and sit right beside Laura and she starts reading.

"Lucinda pours a bowl full of sopa de frango e brócolis and-," I cut her off.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's chicken and broccoli soup," she answered and continues.

"And then slaps her with cooked fish, leaving Katrina with a red mark on her face. Lucinda then drops a pan on top of Katrina's head. "Stop it Lucinda, this isn't going to help you find the key at all!" Katrina yells in Lucinda's face. "I'm not going to get the key, I'm going to get the amuleto de confiança e poder-amulet of trust and power- from you first." "And how are you going to do that?" Suddenly Lucinda smashes another pan to her face, knocking Katrina out. Katrina's nose started to bleed and-"

I wouldn't say I got bored, but I was really tired. I mean who reads at 2:00 in the morning?

I quickly fell asleep after that thought.

But I hope she still remembers that I like her.

Laura's POV

I looked beside me to see a sleeping Ross. I closed my book and quietly walked to the cafeteria. It was only 5 in the morning and surprisingly there were about 20 people in the cafeteria.

I ordered a small latte and oatmeal, then walked to a table. I opened my book back up and read in my head from where I was.

"Princess Katrina, are you sure you are okay?" Wonsi asked Katrina. "Yes," Katrina growled. "Wonsi, may I please have some time alone?" Katrina asked. "Yes Princess Katrina," Wonsi said and walked out of Katrina's room. Katrina sighed. She wanted to be normal like the others in the village.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in," Katrina said glumly. The door opened, a knight was at the door holding a puppy. Katrina's face lit up. "Is it for me?" she asked eagerly. "Of course," the knight replied and handed it over to Katrina. "Thank you!" Katrina exclaimed. "Your welcome, princess," the knight said and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"What should I name you? Noite Roxa! If you don't know what it means, it stands for Purple Night. As you can see, purple is my favorite color," Katrina babbled and smiled. Katrina noticed the amulet on the puppy's collar. She held it against her amulet, suddenly-

I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Wha-oh hi Ross."

"I was worried about you!" he said.

"Sorry 'bout that," I replied.

"I was hungry," I added.

Ross rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, can we go back to the room? I'm still tired," he complained.


I threw my latte and my oatmeal away. Then I walked towards the room that I was in earlier. I arrived and walked inside. It was colder than usual.

I picked up A Luta para Floristia and started reading.

"Put it down," Ross said.


"Put it down," he repeated.

"Fine," I groaned.

"Sleep tight," Ross whispered.

"You too."


I woke up not hungry at all. I looked around me. I couldn't find Ross. I leaned to one side of the bed. Then Ross popped out from under the bed. I "fainted" to get him back.

"Laura? Laura? Are you okay?" Ross asked worriedly.

"I'll get the nurse, I'll be b-"

"Boo!" I yelled.

Then he screams like a little girl and sends me a playful glare. I laughed hysterically.

"Ha ha, very funny," Ross said sarcastically.

"Yes, very funny," I said still laughing.


A nurse came in.

"You may go home, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch has already signed the papers," she babbled.

"Thanks," I said.

The nurse handed me my clothes and I headed for the bathroom. When I changed and walked out of the bathroom and saw Ross reading my book.

"Don't touch my book!" I yell.

He jumps a little,"Well excuse me."

He closes the book and hands it to me. I put it in the rucksack and we head to Ross' car.


We walked out of Ross' car and I head to my house. I unlocked the door then head inside. I just wanted to lay in my bed just to get some rest.

I instantly fell asleep in my colorful room.

But I hope Ross gets the hint that I like him.


Hiya....I'm very sorry for the slow update. But hey! Umm yeah...


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