Chapter 7

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I feel like updating but it might be short. I JUST REALLY FEEL LIKE WRITING/TYPING.


-Anna Bri😋

Ross's POV

Do I really have to forget all about Laura all over again? I really don't, but I have to. "Why?" you may ask, well because Laura told me to.

"Ross is there something wrong?" Rydel said walking into my room.

I just shrugged back at her. She just smirked.

"Girl problems, eh?" Rydel said.

I shrugged again.

"If you don't think you and Kayla wo-" I cut her off.

"It's not Kayla, it's Laura," I started.

She nodded her head signaling to go on.

"Well you know how she left to go to New York?"

She nodded again.

"So while she was gone I started to slowly forget her becau-"

"Because you started hanging out with Kayla," Rydel cut me off and frowned.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"Ross, don't hate me for saying this, but you and Kayla have to end," she said then walked out of my room.

I was confused at first, but once I got what she said I frowned. Me and Kayla to an end? I guess Rydel is right, I have to go talk to Kayla.

I walked downstairs and put on my Vans, then headed out the door. The walk to Kayla's house wasn't very long, we lived right next to each other. I soon had reached her house, but I found that the door was opened a bit. I knocked on the door, but no one responded. I walked in anyway, then I went up the stairs quietly. When I reached the top of the stairs and in front of Kayla's bedroom door I heard voices. Plus the door was creaked open enough that I could see inside. I decided not to go in just yet.

But inside I saw Kayla and a boy about my age. The boy opened a box and pulled out a necklace. Kayla was shocked.

"Will you be mine, forever and always?" the boy said.

"Of course Derek! Of course I will be yours!" I silently gasped, and let a year slip from my eye.

I couldn't take this anymore. I barged into her room and spoke.

"Kayla?! What are you doing? I thought you and I had something!" I yelled.

"I-I met Derek before you, I forgot what we had before," she said then turned and smiled at Derek.

I thought about it, I actually was in the same situation.

"Kayla, I-I'm sorry. I'm very happy for you, but can we still be friends?"

"Of course we can! But you'd better get going, you have to get her," she winked.

I smiled then out of her house. That went quick.

How am I going to get Laura and I's friendship back? It had to be breakable when she had to leave...

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