Chapter 5

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Laura's POV

I heard footsteps from behind me, I know it's Ross. I just know it....

"Ross, don't be sorry. It's because tha- your not Ross."

"No, I'm not Ross," the girl chuckled.

"Well Kayla, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"The real question is what are you doing here? You seem sad."

"Nothing really."

"Really? I don't think so."

"I'm fine, trust me," I said forcing a smile.

"Well as long as your fine then, I have to roll," Kayla said starting to walk away.

"Hey can I have your number?" I asked, making her stop and turn around.

"Sure, do you also want to see pictures? Here's my Instagram and Twitter name," she said giving a piece of paper.

"Uh thanks?" I said while looking at the paper, but when I looked up she was gone.

"What a mysterious girl...." I said to myself.

I decided to take out my iPad from the bag that I brought and go on Instagram. Cool I gained a follower, and the users name is.... @kayladreamsdiamonds. Kayla, if course it's Kayla. I checked out her page and kept on scrolling down until I saw a picture if she and Ross. I tapped on it and the description said "Were official!" and that was an hour or two ago. I felt my eyes water, why were they watering? I had no idea, but then I felt tears coming out of my eyes. Then my nose started to run, I sniffled a bit. I turned off my iPad then put it away in my bag. I just sniffled and sulked on the bench.

I felt a drop of water on my head, then the dropping got faster and faster. Great, a storm. I got the key from my key ring and unlocked the door and went into the cabin then grabbed my iPad out of my bag again, then texted my mom.

Me: Mom, I staying over at a friends house because of the storm

A few seconds later she responded.

Mom: Okay, be back tomorrow by at least 9:45


Me: K, see ya tomorrow!

Mom: Bye sweetheart

Well I guess I'm staying here in the cabin for the night. It was already decorated and such because I called it my second home. I guess Ross removed all his stuff because I left, I bet he never came back and got rid of his key. Well, good news is that I have the whole cabin to myself! I also left MY stuff here because I was in such a rush to leave I bet. I guess I can get started stretching out my other stuff from the one side I owned to Ross's side.

Once I was done stretching out most of my things, I smiled at the room. Then I went to the bathroom, and yes there's a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom for me now.

I looked at myself in the mirror, then I looked down at my feet. I saw a piece of paper under the rug I was standing on. I lifted the rug and slipped out the paper from under it.

It was a picture of Ross and I, I flipped to the back and it said some words.

"There's no way I can make it without you :)"

I just smiled, but then my smile faded away.


What happened?! Dun dun dun....

Uh yeah stuff... I'm terrible in author's notes 😋

Oh and I FINALLY know how to do italics and bold on the Wattpad APP for android and apple users. Want to know how to do it? Ask in the comments!

-Anna Bri😋

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