Chapter 26

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Laura's POV

I'm glad that Ross and I were okay again. But it wouldn't last for long since he would be moving to California with his family, Ratliff, and Kelly. I am going to miss them so much. I couldn't tell you how much. I sniffled. I couldn't think of anything worse. Ross looked at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I lied.

"Doesn't seem like a "yeah" to me," he said then frowned.

"It's just that your leaving and all. I'll just be here all alone."

"What abo- oh."

I let a tear fall down my cheek.

"I just can't believe I'm just going to struggle here while you just have to pretend to be someone else in front of a camera!" I sobbed.

Great, I just let my dramatic side out.

All he did was put an arm around me. I smiled a little.

"Ross," I said, my voice cracking.


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being selfish and for finding another best friend."

"I'm sorry too," he said.

"For overreacting and all," he said ashamed.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault," I replied.

He shrugged.

"I want to go back to the me moving away topic," he said sternly.

I huffed.

"Oh okay," I gave in.

"Are you okay with me moving? I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with it. I don't want you to get upset or sad. I just wanted to tell you that I-" he cut himself off.

"That you..."


I sighed and looked down.

"Okay, I wanted to tell you that I like y-you," he finished.

He likes me?!

"I've been crushing on you for years. It started when we did that play together, it was awesome," he said reminding himself.

"I-I remember a part of that play..." I said.



"Julie!" Ross yelled.

"Bradley!" I yelled back.

Obviously, you could tell I was Julie and he was Bradley. We ran up to each other and hugged which seemed like forever. But Francis said his line.

"No Julie! You may not be Bradley's mate, you may not!" he yelled.

We let go then I walked up to Francis.

"Leo, I may not be yours as well," I said then stomped on his boot.

"Yow!" he said then hopped away on one foot.

I walked back over to Ross, then he put his arm around me. Right before the play ended, Ross and if skipped off the stage.


I chuckled at the memory.

"I never knew the real meaning of that play," I said out loud.

"Me neither," he replied.


I'm so sorry this is short! But hey, it's better than NOT updating *wink.


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