Chapter 12

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Ross's POV

I feel like a loser, why didn't I have the guts to tell her? Of course, she'll freak out! Ugh, it's too complicated. Someone knocked on the door, interrupting my thoughts.



"Who is it?"

Really Ross? Really?

"It's Laura, of course," she answered.

"Well then, come in," I said.

"So...What were you going to tell me?" she asked.

"Nothing, trust me," I said then smiled.

"Sure, really Ross tell me. Please."


"Come on Ross," Laura pleaded.

"Fine. When I'm 17, I'm going to audition for a TV show, that means that I need to move away," I ended my sentence with a frown.

I guess she was processing what I had just said. After a while she just frowned.

"Y-You have to move a-away?" she said.

"Y-Yeah," I responded sadly.

"But that's in 3 years, we can't worry about it now," she pointed out.

"Yeah, we shouldn't..."

Laura's POV

For the past year, I still remembered what Ross had told me a year ago.

"When I'm 17, I'm going to audition for a TV show, that means that I have to move away."

I sighed just thinking about what he said. Tonight was homecoming, but I had no one to go with. I was here in my dress watching TV with Sky. We were watching Animal Planet, Sky was always fascinated with that channel. Sometimes I even get entertained with all the animals doing their thing. Then I heard my phone go off, the Lynch's bought me a phone, I picked up my phone then answered.


"Hey Laura it's Riker."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Oh, Ross wanted to talk to you. He's coming over in a few minutes."

Before I could say anything, he hung up. What a nice time for a talk. I huffed then laid back down.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and stood up, then I went up to the door. I unlocked it then I saw Ross all dressed up with a rose in his hand.

"Hey Laura, I have a question..."

"Uh s-sure, what is it?" I tried to act casual, but I failed.

"I think you'd be a really great homecoming "date" and that it would a lot of fun to go to prom together. Would you like to go with me, as friends?" he asked.

"I-I... Y-Yes!" I answered.

He smiled widely.

"Shall we?"

"We shall," I brought my purse that had my phone, key, and other things in it. I then locked the door, and Ross put his arm around my shoulders.

When we reached his car, he opened the passenger seat door. I thanked him and hopped in the car. He hopped in the drivers seat and closed the door. The engine started and right away we started moving.

I guess homecoming won't be bad after all.


That's a filler o-o. Either long or short, it's a filler. Pancakes? Sausage? Eggs....

So there you have it folks, stuff you have for breakfast. (I don't care if I got that wrong, I'm not a stalker)

-Anna Bri😋

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