Chapter 23

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Laura's POV

I ran into the girls' bathroom and looked at myself.

I am a mess.

I saw Chelsea and Miranda walk in. Then they hugged me.

"It's okay, but now you know that they're not true friends," Miranda said.

"I guess," I said.

"Now let's walk you to class," Chelsea said.

We arrived at my 5th period class, I said goodbye and sat down in my seat.

Once the bell rang, everyone took their seats. Then Mrs. Green came in, she started teaching us about boring history stuff(A/N: I don't know what subjects high schoolers do o-o, sorry if I got that wrong).

Surprisingly, the more I didn't pay attention the more I get tired. I decided to pay attention anyway.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Ross. I turned right back around. But I saw a note fly onto the floor. I picked it up and read it, I made sure I looked up every once in a while so I wouldn't look suspicious.

To The Dorky Heartbreaker,

I'm just letting you know that you've made the wrong decision. You're going down, you're worthless. -Buh bye, The cool guy

What kind of note was that?

I looked behind me to see that he was gone, everyone was. I was by myself, alone. It suddenly got cold in the room, I tried to get out but the door knob was frozen.

"Help!" I yelled.

I heard laughs around me. The classroom transformed into a stage, there was a huge audience.

"Sing, sing, sing, sing..." the crowd chanted.

"W-When you're on y-your moan, uh I meant own. I-I met the son of th- no that's not right." I stuttered.

The audience booed and threw tomatoes at me, how classic. I teared up.

"S-stop it!" I stammered.

They booed even louder.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then several more did.

"P-Please stop!" I shouted.

They booed way louder than before. Then I saw Ross, booing as well. I sobbed on the huge stage.

Ring! Ring!

After the bell people started disappearing.

"Ms. Marano, class is over," a voice called.

I lifted my head up and saw I was in the classroom, I saw Mrs. Green.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Green, I guess I dosed off. You may give me a punishment," I said ashamed.

"It's okay, you dosed off but this time I'm not giving you any punishments," she said and winked.

I walked out of the classroom and wandered into the halls. One of my dreams was to perform or act on a stage or in front of a camera.

But after that dream I was terrified of performing, I just had to let myself down.


HAI! WHAT UP?! >-< Sorry that this is another short chapter, I was busy that's all :/.

Anna Bri😋

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