Chapter 13

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Ross's POV

Something was in Laura's mind, that's kind of why I took her to homecoming. The other reason why I took her is that I didn't have anybody else to go with.

I parked my car and helped Laura get out of the car. I told her to walk quickly because I don't want to get caught by Kayla Yenning, my ex-girlfriend. But I think she's probably moved on with that Derek dude.

We entered the school building and saw strobe lights, a DJ, and more. I looked down at Laura, I bet she was glad she came. We came across some of those snobby gossip girls, then they looked at us in disgust. I rolled my eyes then we walked away from them.

"Hey Laura!" I had to nearly yell, because of the music.

"Yeah Ross?!" she yelled as well.

"Do you want to take a seat?!"

"Do you want to wake a sweep?!"

"No! Do you want to take a seat?!"

"Oh! Sure!" she responded.

We found a table for two. I pulled out a chair for Laura. She thanked me and sat down. She had good manners, but neither she was a goody-goody. She was perfect. She had flaws, but she has the flaws that made her shine.

But I wonder how nobody took her to homecoming. At least she wasn't upset. I'd hate for her to cry.

A slow song started to play, then I saw a tear fall from Laura's eye.

"What's wrong, Laura?" I asked worriedly.

"Ross, this was so sweet to take me, but I-I don't know how to d-dance..." she trailed off.

"You don't know how to dance?" I asked.

She nodded and blushed.

"We'll let me help you," I stood up and grabbed her arm then took her to the dance floor.

"Ross, I-"

"Can you pwease twy?" I said in a kiddy voice.

She rolled her eyes and nodded. She put her arms on my shoulders, then I put my arms on her waist. (A/N: That's how you do it right?)

Then before we knew it we were dancing.

"And you said you couldn't dance," I said then laughed.

She made a pouty face. I laughed again. The song was over, but it was replaced with an upbeat song. Laura started to turn around.

"Laura wait! One last song!" I said.

She nodded and smiled. I looked behind me for no apparent reason then saw Kayla Yenning.

I stopped dancing and started running towards the exit. I opened the door and ran out into the parking lot. I took out my keys, unlocked the door, then drove away. It was the end of the party anyway. I parked my car in front of my house, I unlocked the door and went inside.

"Hey lil' bro!," Rydel said.

"Hi?" I replied.

"So...How's the dance with Laura?"

Boy, she was nosy today.

"It was cool."

"Well that's all I wanted to know, see ya," she said then went downstairs into the basement.

I went upstairs into my room. I laid on my bed. It was comfy.

I then fell into a light sleep. Until someone had to disturb me.

"Ross...Where's Laura?" Rocky asked.

That's when my eyes shot open.



Dun dun dun....

-Anna Bri😋

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