Chapter 17

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Ross's POV

I asked my mom to be homeschooled for a while. After a couple of no's she finally gave in and said yes. I was about to walk into the kitchen but I heard my mom talking to someone.

"Is she alright? Don't worry sweetie, I'll get you both. The hospital? Okay, okay I'll be there in a few minutes. I won't tell Ross. Bye."

She hung up and walked out of the kitchen.


She jumped.

"U-Uh yes Ross?"

"Who was that on the phone?" I know I was nosy, but I wanted to know.

"Nobody Ross, now I have an appointment. I have to get changed." she then went upstairs and into her room.

"An appointment, eh? Let's see this appointment."

I put on my shoes. I found the car keys and unlocked the trunk. I put the keys back and went out the door. I walked towards the door, opened the trunk then closed it. I covered up myself with a blanket and some other items that we have in the trunk.

"I'm coming now, okay bye," I heard my mom say as she comes toward the car.

I kept myself as still as I can. She opened the door and plopped onto the driver's seat. I heard start up, then before I knew it we started moving.

A few minutes later we arrived at a cabin. It looked so familiar.

Oh wait, it's Laura's house. Wait Laura's house? Why is my mom here?!

I peeped out of a hole that was made in the blanket. I saw Laura come out with a cage. She came up to the car and unlocked the trunk. I stayed as still as I can. She placed the cage right next to me, then walked back into the house. A few seconds later she came out with Sky on her shoulder. She locked the door, came over and put Sky in the cage. She shut the trunk and sat in the passenger's seat.

I took a good look at Sky, what was wrong with her? She circled around her cage, but then I saw the problem. Her tail was cut off. But who did it?

"So do you know why she did it?" my mom asked.

"Not precisely, I guess she wanted pay back after what I did to Ross."

"Did she try to do anything else?"

"Yes, she threw me onto the road to get run over."

Who was it?!

"I'm going to talk to her about it."

Who are you going to talk to?!

"We're here sweetie. You may take Sky, I'm going to call her."

"Okay thanks," Laura said.

Laura opened the trunk and unlocked the cage. She picked up Sky then closed the truck and walked away.

"Rydel, sweetie, why'd you hurt Laura's puppy?"

Woah, woah, woah. Pause it right there, Rydel did it?!

My mom out her on speaker.

"I didn't hurt her mom, whatever Laura told you is a lie," Rydel responded.

"How should I believe you?" my mom asked.

"Mom, you know me. I would never do something like that."

Yeah, why would Rydel do something like that?

"True, true. Okay sorry sweetie. What should I do?"

"Just ignore or avoid Laura. For Ross's safety."

"Okay sweetie, thank you. Bye."

She hung up, and got out of the car. Before she could lock the doors I opened the trunk quietly and wiggled out of the blanket and such. After that I jumped out of the trunk and closed the trunk quietly.

I ran to my house. I rung the doorbell and Rydel opened the door.

"Hey Ross! I've been looking all over for you!" Rydel said.

"Oh, I just took a jog. I'm worn out," I said which half of it was actually true.

"Well come on! I'm going to make us some sundaes."

"Mmm, sounds good!"

I walked inside and took off my shoes. I watched TV for a while until Rydel called me.

"Ross! The sundaes are ready!" Rydel yelled.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I replied.

I got up and went inside the kitchen. She handed me a bowl.

"Thanks Rydel," I said,

"Your welcome," she said using a terrible accent.

We both laughed. It seemed like forever once we stopped. I never knew that Rydel can make sundaes.


"Yes sir!"

She sounded like she was in an army or something.

"Why does it take you so long to make only two sundaes?"

"If you were to compare me to a molasses, I'd be faster."

I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down on the couch. Rydel say down next to me then we started watching TV. About 30 minutes later Rydel's head fell onto my shoulder.

Why would Laura lie about my sister?


HOLLA!!! (Sorry I've been watching Braggy Benson from "So Random") Ross, he's up to something.


Laura was watching them. (Not telling you how 😋)

-Anna Bri😋

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