Chapter 18

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Laura's POV

I walked back to Stormie's car with Stormie. She unlocked the car door and hopped into the driver's seat. I tried opening my door but it wouldn't open. I knocked on the glass, trying to get her attention. But she still faced forward, minding her own business. I kept on knocking on the glass. But she wouldn't budge. I heard the car start, I started pounding on the glass.

"Umm Stormie?! The door is locked!" I yelled.

The trunk was open, so I quickly grabbed the cage. The second I shut the trunk, she started driving away.

She's acting weird today. First she drives me here, then second she ignores me.

"What's wrong with her?" I huffed to myself.

"A lot of things," a voice said.

I turned around to see Logan.

"Oh hey Logan."

"Hey Laura."

"What are you doing here?"

"I went to drop off my bird, his wing got injured," he said with a frown.

"Oh, I hope he feels better soon."

"Thanks, need a ride?"

I still don't know him, not taking any risks.

"I'm good, I don't live far from here."

"Call me up if you need something."

"Which I doubt," I mumbled.


"I said that I might need to call you soon!" I said forcing a smile.

"Okay, bye," he said then walked behind me.

By the time I turned around, he was gone.

He's strange.

I walked to my house and dropped off the cage.

Wonder what Ross is doing.

I went out of my house and walked through the woods. Once I saw their house, I went to the side of it and looked through the window. I'm not a stalker, but I'm just curious.

They were watching TV eating sundaes. Rydel was asleep and Ross was still awake. A few minutes later Rydel woke up. At least the window was opened a bit so I could here what they're saying. Once again, not a stalker.

"Hiya sleepy head, did you know you snore a lot?" Ross said.

"Hi, and no..."

They laughed for a while, but stopped after a few minutes.



"Don't hate me for saying what I'm going to say," Rydel started.

Ross nodded, signaling her to continue.

"Well, Laura lies. She lies a lot. She lied about your friendship. Everything."

I can't believe her!

"W-What? What did she do?" Ross asked.

"She accused me of chopping off her puppy's tail. How could I even do that?!" she answered.

"I can't believe her."

"I'm sorry Ross, but it's time to end your friendship once and for all," Rydel said.

"I'm going to end this now, I'm going to her house!" Ross said in an angry voice.

Oh no. I have to get home quick.

I turned around and ran towards the woods. I ran as fast as I could, I nearly tripped on a few twigs. But I finally reached my house, so I unlocked the door and walked in. I sat down on the couch and watched TV. I teared up a bit. But I heard a knock from the door, I stood up and opened it.

"Laura, we need to talk."


I stepped aside to let him in. He walked in and sat on the couch. I closed the door and also sat down.

"Laura, Rydel has been telling me some stuff about you," he said.

I just cocked my head to the right.

"She said that you told her that you wanted attention from me. Also that you lie, a lot."

I stared at him with disbelief.

"Why would you believe her? Oh wait, I forgot, she's Rydel," I said.

"So this is what she's talking about," he said to himself.

"Excuse me?! I'm right here!" I said.

"Excuse me?! My sister is keeping me safe from your insecure self!" he mocked.

Now that hurt me.

I teared up, trying to blink the tears away.

"Ross! You're so self centered! You only care about yourself! You have to stretch yourself out!"

"I've already been stretched out. You're the one who needs more meat! Skinny Winny"

That's it.

I slapped him across the face.

"Oww! What was that for?!"

"For being you! Get out!" I yelled.

"Yada yada. I don't need you anymore, Marano."

I glared at him. He walked towards the door, and opened it. Before he could take another step, I pushed him out.

"Oh and one more thing! Tell Vanessa to come home, you twerp!"

"In your dreams, Marano," he replied.

"Just go away, Lynch!"

With that, he walked away. I just ran to my room and sobbed on my bed.

What had the Lynch family become?


Dun dun dun.... Do you guys think Vanessa should go back? Let me know in the comments!!! Cya, gtg, iul (I'll update later)

-Anna Bri😋

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