Chapter 9

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Ross's POV

"Vanessa, where are my pink converse?!" Rydel shouted.

They were STILL packing up for our trip to New York City. I heard that Ratliff, Kelly, and Laura were coming! The trip was a present for my 14th birthday. But I thought of it as if it were from me to Laura. I've been waiting for this for a long time.

"They're in your closet, and I'm right here," Vanessa stated calmly.

I bet your wondering why Vanessa is still living here at our house. Well she said that she got a call from Laura saying that she got some news from the hospital. They said that they couldn't be treated properly because of an inexperienced nurse. Sad story, very sad story.

Enough of the sad stuff, more with the exciting stuff!

That sounded cheesy.

But anyway, I owed Laura for forgetting our frien-


Laura's here, finally!

"I'LL GET IT!" I shouted.

I then heard Rocky laugh.

"NOT FUNNY!" I shouted again.

I went down the stairs and opened the door. There stood a beautiful girl. She was so-

"Uh Ross?" she said interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh hey Laura!" I said.

I still have a few feelings for Laura. But does she still know that I like her?

"Come on in!" I said.

"Oh I can't right now, I was wondering if you would like to come with me to PetSmart to drop off my dog," Laura said.

"Sure! I just have to get one of my parents to drive us," I said getting my parents.


"SURE! I'LL BE DOWN THERE IN A SECOND!" she responded.

"Okay she said that she'll-"

"I heard," she giggled.

I just smiled.

"Okay kids I'm ready!" my mom said.

My mom, Laura, and I got in the car. Then we got to PetSmart. I see why she reserved her puppy here. We brought her to the pet hotel they had, and went out of the store. We then drove back to the house and waited for everyone to pack the rest of their stuff. When they were finished we called a cab (those van kind) that can fit us all in.

The cab pulled up and we all got in with our stuff. As soon as we knew it, we were on the road. Laura started reading a sheet of music. But I wanted to sleep, thank goodness I was on the side. Then I drifted off, but then I felt a thump on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Laura on my arm asleep. But before I knew it, I was fast asleep again.


I woke up to the sounds of awes. I opened my eyes and then glared at everyone. A few seconds later Laura woke up then also glared at everyone.

"Copy cat much?" I said.


"You guys woke up on time, we're about to go inside the airport," I heard Ryland say.

We came to a stop, then we all got out and got our stuff. My dad payed the driver, and we went inside. We went through the whole process, and when we were done we waited for the plane. (I'm not an expert at plane stuff. '•')

"G7, I repeat G7," the announcer called.

We all got up and boarded the plane. Riker sat with Vanessa, Ryland sat with Rocky, Ratliff sat with Kelly, my mom sat with my dad, Laura sat with Rydel, and I just sat alone. I took out my iPod and started listening to some tunes.

But I got really tired that I had to go back to sleep again...


Too short huh.... Wattpad is going coo-coo. I can't save my story, but then I get back on all my work is G to the E GONE! :(

-Anna Bri😋

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