Chapter 19

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Ross's POV

I put my hand on the spot where Laura had slapped me.

Rydel was trying to protect me.

I sighed and walked back to my house. I walked inside and saw Rydel watching TV.

"Hey bro," she said still looking at the TV.

"Hey," I replied.

"How'd it go with Laura?"

"Terrible, she's so insecure. She seeks for attention, like you said."

"I told you, she's no good. Like Vanessa, she's been brain washing Riker lately. He's acting different."

"Like how?"

"He's been calling everyone else "peasants,"" she explained.


"At least Laura hasn't done that to you, yet."

"What do you mean by "yet?""

"She's going to try and take you back, like Kayla," she said.

"But she's probably too weak to even try to bring you down," she continued.

"Well, I don't know what she'll do, she's unpredictable like Kayla." I added.

"Well think about it, who's creepier?"


"Laura," I lied.

"Exactly, it is because you and Kayla have had a long past and/or present. So Laura has a better chance of taking you back. She had skills, don't know if she still has them," she said.

"Thanks Rydel, you're the best!"

"Your welcome, anything for my little bro," she replied.

"I'm not little!" I pouted.

She laughed, which caused me to laugh.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Vanessa had barged in.

"Nothing, hey where's Riker?" I asked.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for 3 days!" she ended with a frown.

"Hey I see him! With a girl?" Rydel said.

"What?!" Vanessa said, running up to the window.

She sniffled.

"Vanessa it's okay, just ignore him. You'll be fine." I said.

"You're like him! You broke Laura's heart! I'm out!" Vanessa ran up the stairs.

I sighed.

"Bro, there's nothing to sigh about, the Marano's are nothing but trouble for us," Rydel told me.

"I guess your right," I said.

Laura's POV

I was watching TV alone when I heard a knock from the door. I stood up and walked up to the door. I opened it.

"Ross, what do you wa- Vanessa?" I froze.

"H-Hi Laura," she responded.

"So sis, what brings you here?" I said trying to sound friendly.

"R-Riker, he was making out with another g-girl," she said.

"What?! Come in! I have an extra room where you can stay."

She nodded and came inside. Poor Vanessa, we had our ups and downs but I know she doesn't deserve that. She brought her stuff with her and followed. Then we stopped.

"Here's your room!" I said cheerfully.

I opened the door. Once Vanessa saw the room, she hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said.

"Your welcome. So I'll leave you here to unpack. Then I'll call you for a surprise. So stay in your room!" I said.

"Yes ma'am!"

We laughed. Then I walked away so Vanessa could start unpacking. I was going to get Sky from the pet hospital.

"Vanessa, I'm going to get Sky from the pet hospital!" I yelled so she could hear.

"Okay!" Vanessa responded.

I put on my converse, opened the door and paused.

"Also, I'm going to get you a key for the house!"


I locked the door behind me and started walking to Home Depot.

-After Home Depot-

I finally got Vanessa a key. So now I have to get Sky. I walked towards the pet hospital, it wasn't a long walk though. Once I reached the pet hospital, I walked inside to pickup Sky. They told me to wait for a few minutes, so I sat down on one of the chairs and took out my phone. I went on Instagram to see what's "trending." But I saw Rydel's post of Rydel watching TV was popular. But I saw someone else in the background. It was...



Ooh.... Don't mean to brag but... jk. Boy, I miss So Random. That show was funny. Waaaaah!!!

Anna Bri😋

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