Chapter 11

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Ross's POV

I went up to her door and knocked. Then someone opened it. Kelly.

"Hey, can I talk to Rydel?" I asked.

"Sure. Rydel I'm going to Ratliff's room!" Kelly shouted.


When I walked in Rydel was doing her nails.

"Oh hey Ross!" Rydel said then smiled.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure! Wassup lil' bro?" she said all gangster.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I still haven't told Laura yet..." I trailed off.

"You WHAT?!" she whisper-shouted.

"I tried telling her but it wasn't always the right time to tell her," I said.

"Ross! You were supposed to tell her when you were younger so she wouldn't have to worry about it so much!" Rydel said.

"W-Well what happens if I told Kayla?" I asked.

"Who knows?! She's attempted to take you back many times!" Rydel said.

That wasn't a good answer.

"Rydel! I-"

"Ask Riker later on if the date gets closer. Or now," she cut me off.

"Uh okay?" I said.

I walked out of the room worriedly. She would freak out if I didn't tell her. I knocked on Riker's door.

"Come in!" a voice responded.

I opened the door and went inside.

"Hey, what's up?" Riker said.

"I need to talk," I said.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I-I didn't tell Laura I to-"

"You WHAT?!" Riker cut me off.

"A-And I told Kayla right after L-Laura left," I stuttered.

"You have to tell her sooner or later, or else she'll freak out." he responded.

"I don't know when, I've attempted to tell her but I couldn't," I said quietly.

"You have to figure this out yourself," he said.

Then I walked out of the room. Kayla might come after me...

Laura's POV

"I'm Lucinda, the actual princess of Floristia," Lucinda said fiercely. She was suddenly shot on her leg that is now horribly wounded. She screeched in pain, but no one was helping her. Then a rusted up girl climbed up the high ladder and onto the high stage. She then said six words.

"I'm Katrina, the princess of Floristia," everyone roared with cheers and whistles. Then everyone stopped when a kid with ragged clothes walked up to Katrina. The child had a crown in her hands, Katrina bowed down then the child put the crown on her head.

"You are the princess of Floristia," she whispered then smiled.

Katrina raised her head then bowed in all directions.

A few months later Katrina had helped her fellow people rebuild their land. She has been very helpful to everyone but her family has not been found. She and the knights looked everywhere, but no luck.

She officially ruled the land. She was respo-


"Oh come on I was reading!" I said to myself.

I opened the door to see Ross.

"Oh hey Ross, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I needed to talk to you."

"Uh sure?"

"I-I'm going to- I can't do this," he said then ran away.


Hiya, I like soup.
😜 Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh....
Hey guys, I'm going to have a day off to get inspired with A&A episodes, R5 songs, other stuff to get some ideas tomorrow! Cya on Monday!

Anna Bri😋

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