Chapter 22

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Ross's POV

The bell finally rang and all of the students ran out of the classroom. I just walked out casually at a slow pace. Suddenly Chelsea walked up to me, I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Hey Ross!" she said still smiling.

"Hey Chels!" I replied.

"So...where are you taking me for our date?" she asked twirling her hair.

"It's a surprise."

She pouted playfully.

I laughed.

"Nope! I have to go do something, I'll talk to you later."

"K, bye Rossy!" she said then walked away.

Rossy, I like that.

I walked through the hallways and found my locker. I unlocked it and saw a note fall out. I picked it up, opened it and read it.


Just to let you know, you've ruined my life. I wish I've never met you, you're just a big mess. You are so self centered, you only care about you. Nobody else, you lied about our friendship. You spat out all the words you thought about me right in my face. How could you do that? I can't believe you, I can't believe Rydel. I can't believe your whole family. You lied to me, I thought finally someone understands me. But I guess I was wrong, I chose the wrong person to talk to all those times when I had troubles with my life. But I guess you are right about me, I'm insecure. You got that part right. Have "fun" with Chelsea tonight. Now I've learned something about you. You're not a true friend. I hate you.

-The Dorky Heartbreaker

It was her fault that I met her. It was her fault that Kayla is chasing after me. It was her fault that I have problems with her. It was her fault that the "dorks" hate me. It was her fault that she accuses my sister about something she didn't do. It was her fault that Rydel cries everyday. It was her fault that her puppy's tail got cut off.

It was always her fault.

I can't believe she is blaming me. She's so unbelievable. She's a dumb loser who wants some attention. She's way behind on the latest topics while I have other things to do. She does weird things that I don't even like to do. She was a girl who needed help getting friends. Why doesn't she meet new friends herself?!

And all she does is blame me!

I huffed and crumpled the paper, then put it in my pocket. I turned around to see Chelsea and Miranda. I slightly smiled.

"Hi Ross, is something wrong?" Miranda asked.

"Sort of, it's about a particular person," I said angrily.

"Is he it she bothering you? We can help you," Chelsea said.

"It's okay, really," I replied.

"You sure?" Miranda said wiggling here eyebrows.

"Well I guess you guys can help. You just have to humiliate her and make her feel terrible."

"Kk Ross, see ya later!" Chelsea said, then she blew me a kiss.

I winked at her, then she walked away.

Laura's POV

I ate my lunch with Jessica and Samantha. They talked and laughed.

"I-I c-can't breathe!" Jessica said trying to inhale air.

"M-Me neither!" Samantha said.

I just sat there eating my lunch. But I heard footsteps walking towards me. I pretend that I didn't hear them, which was a failure.

"Don't worry Laura, we won't hurt you." Chelsea said. I turned around to see her smile.

"It's okay," Miranda said.

"Uh, what do you guys want?" I asked.

"We both wanted to talk to you," Chelsea spoke.

Miranda nodded her head.

"Would your friends be okay if we chatted with you for a bit?" Chelsea said looking at Jessica and Samantha.

"It would be fi-" Jessica started.

"No! We're not letting you hurt Laura!" Samantha cut Jessica off.

"Samantha, sweetie, we're not going to hurt her," Miranda said.

"Okay, I guess you could go then," Samantha said hanging her head down low.

I sighed and stood up. Then I walked away with them.

I wish I didn't have school like Raini and Calum.

"We have to tell you the truth about your so called "friends,"" Chelsea said.

"What do you mean? They tell me the truth all the time," I said.

"Not all the time, they lie," Miranda spoke.

"How should I believe you?"

"When you first moved to this school Jessica and Samantha were nearly pathetic losers. They used you to get in the spotlight like they are now to humiliate you later," Miranda said with a frown.

I usually don't trust them, but this time I had to. I honestly didn't know who to trust.

"That's why we're here, we wanted you to be one of us!" Chelsea added.

"R-Really?" I stuttered.

"Really! Now after school, we'll give you a makeover! See you at my house," Chelsea said.

"Okay," I said walking away.

I went back into the cafeteria and sat down and continued my lunch.

"So, what did they talk to you about?" Samantha asked.

I ignored them.

"Uh, Laura?" Jessica said.

"What do you want now? More popularity?!" I yelled.

Suddenly, silence filled the cafeteria. We got the attention.

"I can't believe you two used me for these 2 years!" I yelled again.

"Why would you think that?!" Jessica said

"You've been acting strangely lately ever since you talk to them!" Samantha said.

"Say what you want! I'm sorry but were over!" I yelled, and I ran out of the cafeteria balling my eyes out.

What have my friends become?


Laura, don't listen to those two! They're trouble!

Anna Bri😋

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