Chapter 32

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Ross' POV (short)

"Rydel!" I yelled through the house.

Apparently Laura and Rydel are musing and everyone was trying to find them. And don't forget about Vanessa, she's gone too.

"Laura and Vanessa aren't in their houses, Rydel is nowhere to be seen," Riker says as he rushes through the door.

"I'm worried about Rydel she's like a s-sister to me," Ratliff gulps.

"I'm worried about Vanessa," Riker adds.

"I'm worried about Laura," I finished.

Suddenly my phone rings.

"It's Rydel!" I exclaim.

"Answer it!" everyone yells back.

I answer my phone.

"Rydel! Where are you?!"

"Rydel? She's at my place," a familiar voice says.

"Logan," I say sternly.

"Where are they?"

"My last name isn't Harwun," was all he said.

With that, he hangs up.

"Get ready," I said.

"For what?" Rocky asked.

"House hunting."

Laura's POV

Vanessa screeches as she gets skinned. Yes, were getting skinned. It doesn't feel good, neither pretty.

The police didn't get there in time, Logan eventually found us and brought us to his house. Vanessa and Rydel had woken up.

"Who's next?" Logan said.

"Not me," I said plainly.

Logan gave me a mad look and grabbed me by the arm. He pushed Vanessa off of the chair that she was sitting on and motioned me to sit down. I sat down nervously. He takes out his blade and rubs it against my skin, making me flinch.

I screamed in Logan's ear, making him drop the blade. He glared at me and then punched me in the eye.

"What the heck?!" I yelled and slapped him.

"Stop Laura!" Rydel screamed.

I looked at her.

"Do not turn around," she whispered.

I turned around anyway, just to see Logan with a taser in his hand.

"If you touch me one last time, this will touch you," Logan snaps pointing to the taser.

"Whatever!" I yell as I slap him again.

I felt the taser come in contact with my hip. I collapsed in pain. It couldn't get worse. I close my eyes. And hoped Ross would get here.

Help me Ross, help me.












I woke up to the noise of an owl. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. I had been moved to another area without Vanessa and Rydel. I looked everywhere for them. But since I was in a small room, I had no luck at all.

I found the door and opened it silently. I also found Logan's door, which was open. I peeked through the door frame. He was fast asleep.

I stepped away from his room and found two doors. I opened one of them silently to see Rydel muttering words to herself. I didn't want to wake her yet, so I closed the door.

I opened the other door and saw Vanessa asleep as well. I closed her door too. I carefully and silently stepped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

I saw that the island had our phones. I reached for our phones and went back to the room that I started in. I found my rucksack that I had brought along with me. Then I opened Vanessa's door first and then retrieved her belongings.

I left Vanessa's door opened and stepped inside Rydel's door and retrieved her items as well. I put all of the objects in my rucksack and took out my phone and then called 911.

They said that they were on the way. I woke up both Rydel and Vanessa. They asked me a lot of questions, but I ignored them. We waited at the front of the house.

Finally a few police cars came. Rydel, Vanessa, and I told the officers everything we knew. The officers brought out a drunk looking Logan.

He growled. He was like a dog. The officers shoved him into one of the police cars and drove him away. A few officers stayed to investigate his house. We decided to leave the investigating to them.

A few blocks later we found the Lynch's wandering around looking at houses. We ran up to them and hugged.

"We got tweennapped," I whisper into Ross' ear.

"Tweennapped?" he chuckles.

"Yeah, tweennapped," I said and gave off a goofy smile.


Sooooooo sorry for the SUPER slow updates... Hope you like the chapter! LAURA'S BDAY WAS YESTERDAY! ACKKKK! SHE'S 18!!!


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