Chapter 34

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Laura's POV

"Meghan," I snarled.

"Laura," she snarled back.

"I see that you two have met before," Rydel said awkwardly.

"Why did you being her here?" I asked.

"Uh...Merry Christmas Laura!" Rydel exclaimed.

"It's not even Christmas," Meghan and I said in unison.

"What is she doing here?" I repeated.

"I want you guys to make up," Rydel said.

"She stole my homecoming date!" I yelled.

"He asked me!" Meghan defended.

"Because of you I had to go with Ross!" I shout.

"Ugh! It's not always my fault, Laura!"

"Guys, stop!" Rydel screamed.

Meghan and I looked at her.

"Why stop now? We were just getting started," I huffed.

Meghan rolled her eyes.

"Just stop!" Rydel screamed again.

"Laur, I never knew that you didn't want to go to prom with me," a voice said.

I turned around to see Ross.

"No, it's not like that. You got it all wrong, you se-" I started to say.

"No need for an explanation, Laura. I knew it wasn't right for me to be into you," Ross said and ran away.

"Ross wait!" I cried and ran after him.

I chased him into the woods, but he was too fast. Few seconds later I tripped over a tree root and fell down flat. I was too lazy to stand up, I give up chasing after Ross.

I lifted my arm to see that the red substance came back, rising from my skin. I sighed. No one was going to help me anyway. I let my arm fall back down, and fell asleep on the cold ground.

-Few Hours Later-

I woke up, my eyes still closed. But I can still hear all my surroundings. I heard voices chattering and screaming.

"Why did you let her fall to the ground and didn't help her at all?!" a familiar voice said.

"It wasn't my fault!" another yelled.

"Sure, but look at her now! Cuts and scabs all over her!" it was Rydel who said that.

I fell asleep again, I didn't want to hear more of this conversation that they were having.

"Say something, 'cause you're all in my head like oh oh oh oh yeah yeah!" Rydel, Vanessa, and I sang.

We were coming from the mall, we had a girls' night, Vanessa was driving.

"Wait, did I come from the ho-" I began.


Vanessa and Rydel were bleeding badly and they were knocked out. I quickly called 911.


I arrived at the hospital and asked for Rydel and Vanessa's room number. The lady told me that they were in the same room, 358 on the third floor. I quickly thanked her and ran to the elevator.

I pressed the button and waited impatiently. Finally the elevator doors opened and I ran inside it. I pressed the third floor button and waited impatiently, again.

I finally made it and ran out. The room numbers were increasing. 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358! The door opened by a nurse.

"May I speak to you?" she asked.

"Umm, sure?" I said uncomfortably.

She pulled me aside.

"Your sister and your friend here are in coma, they haven't woken up yet. So there's a good chance that they will die in a day or two," she explained.

"How is that even possible?" I questioned.

"Due to all of their injuries," the nurse said.

"Oh, do you think they will wake up?" I asked eagerly.

"There's a 25% chance," she convinced.

"Oh," I said disappointedly.

The nurse walked away, so I walked inside the room. Vanessa and Rydel's faces were pale, same with the rest of their body. They had cuts and scabs everywhere.

I stayed at the hospital for two days and they still hadn't woke up. The same nurse walked in with a worried face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"They aren't breathing anymore."

"S-So they're not a-alive?"

She nodded.

"I'm very sorry for your losses," she said and walked out.


A few days later, Rydel and Vanessa had a funeral and everyone attended, except for Ross. How could he?!

He came late looking drunk, gross. He sat on top of Vanessa's coffin, and made farting noises.

I stood up but Riker's hand pushed me back down. I cried. Ross messed up everything.

"Laura, everything will be okay," Riker said.

"No it won't!" I yelled.

"Vanessa was the only family I had left after my mom and dad died!" I screamed.

"Well excuse me for farting on your sister, skinny winny," Ross said and smirked.

"How is this funny Ross?!" I yelled again.

"It's called payback or should I say revenge, Marano," he says.

I stand up and walk towards him and stop when he pulls out a gun. I look at him in shock.

"One last step, you're dead, Marano," Ross threatened.

I ran and Ross pulled the trigger. Instead of me getting shot, Stormie got shot. I ran up to her.

"Stormie! Speak to me!" I cried.

"Look what you did to your mom, Ross!" I scream.

"Eh, she wasn't supportive anyway."

I grab the gun out of his hands and point it at him.

"One last move, your done," I say.

He ran towards me and I shoot him. Ross stops running and fell back. I shot him in the heart. I dropped the gun, not knowing what I had just done. Everyone cheered.

"No, this was an accident!" I yelled.

They still cheered.

"You don't understand!"

I fall to my knees and put my face in my hands. I cried.

"Laura, wake up," Ross said.

"Huh?" I said still sobbing.

"Wake up," he repeated.

I opened my eyes. I lifted my arm to my head, I was sweating. And I was at the hospital, again. I sat up and hugged Ross.

"What's this for?" he asked confused.

"Promising that I wouldn't kill you in a million years," I said.

He let out a light chuckle.

"And Laura, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For running away like that."

"It's okay."


"So what?" I said confused.

"Nothing," he replied.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"When are they going to let me out?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Are you gonna stay the night?" I say, referring to the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, Stay The Night by Zedd featuring Hayley Williams.

He smirked.

"Of course."


Super long chapter by just typing on my phone O_o. Okay it's not THAT long but longer than the others. The girls name is MEGHAN. Jabdndndndndnd :) I got SNOW over here!!! But it's melting rather quickly.

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