Chapter 29

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Laura's POV

We finally got off of the plane. But I couldn't get my ears to pop. So every once in a while I had to smack my ear. I got weird yet funny looks from the Lynch family, Ratliff, Kelly, and. I just gave them the "what, not my fault" look. We stayed at the airport for lunch since we haven't eaten in a while. I had a salad from McDonald's while the others had a Big Mac or a regular burger.

We were finished with our lunch then we waited for a cab. We all climbed into a cab and drove away from the airport. I couldn't wait to see the Lynch's, Ratliff's, and Kelly's new home. Especially my new home, I get to live right next to the Lynch's! I'm their next door neighbor! But it's a secret, nobody in the Lynch family knows about it.

We arrived in front of a huge house, with a huge yard. Next to it was another huge house about the same size as the Lynch's house.

"Guys!" I yelled so everyone could hear.

Everyone turned their heads to face me.

"I'm going to be the Lynch's next door neighbor!" I exclaimed.

They all cheered. I smiled at the sight of them cheering. I took the keys I received in the mail out of my pocket and inserted it into the lock of my new house. I opened the door, then my mouth fell open.

The walls of the living room had wavy rainbow stripes across the walls, while the kitchen had an island and a pink and orange fridge. There was a TV room that had an installed flat screen TV on the wall. Speaking of walls, the walls were sky blue and had puffy white clouds. I noticed all of my furniture was already here.

So I didn't need to furnish anything. I put down my things closed the door and locked it, then walked over to the Lynch's house. I tried to find Ross but no luck.

Until I found him in the bathroom holding a blade in his hands and rubbing it against his skin. He out the blade down and pulled out a knife and pointed it towards his heart. He darted for it. And before the knife had touched his skin I yelled at him.

"Ross don't!"

He turned around with tears in his eyes.I ran up to him, and hugged him.

"Ross, you made me worried," I said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just worried and scared about this show," he said sullenly.

"Don't be, you'll do great!" I said encouraging him.

"Not that, I'm just worried about the cast. What if it's a cast that I can't work with?"

"I wouldn't want to quit if I were you," I replied.

"Try to work with them," I added.

He smiled.

"Thanks, but I have to wait for a month until they get the full cast," he said.

"Oh..." I trailed off.

He just laughed and wiped off the blood from his arm, and wiped his tears away. This is why I have Ross as a friend, he shows his emotions. He doesn't hide them like most guys.

We hugged until Rocky opened the door.

"Things are getting hot in here..." Rocky said which made Ross and I jump.

Rocky laughed.

"Laura, we have a band named R5. We started it a few years ago," Ross said which made Rocky stop laughing.

"You weren't supposed to tell her!" Rocky said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We thought you would takeover the band or something," Rocky replied.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"That's not true," Rydel barged into the room.

"Uh yes it is, Ross said it himself," Rocky added.

"I was only seven!" Ross protested.

"Why would you think that?" I yelled.

"Ross," Riker had also came in the room.

Ratliff, Kelly, Stormie, Ryland, Mark, and the others came inside the room. Now all eyes were on him, including mine. I can't believe he would think that.

"I was only 7!" Ross said louder.

"I can't believe you, Ross!" I yelled at him.

"I can't believe that you would think that I would be that selfish!" I added.

"I didn't mean it that way-" Ross started.

"Then what did you mean?!" I cut him off.

"I-I don't kno-" he started again.

"If you don't have an answer then don't talk to me," I snapped at him.

And with that I ran out of their house, I'm tired of walking. But I wasn't lazy, I need a car. I think I'm old enough. I took my phone out of my pocket and searched for a driver's test area. I found location and started running.

A few minutes later I've arrived at the place. I took the driver's test, and then I found out that I passed. I got my license and put it in my wallet which I also had in my pocket.

Now I need to buy a car. I had a lot of money. I nearly rich because of that inexperienced nurse, the hospital payed me after the incident. Plus I took out all my mom and dad's money out of the bank. I had permission from the teller.

I walked to Honda and bought myself a royal blue Fit EV. I was pretty proud of myself, I was growing up pretty fast. But I would like to pause the growing up process and live the teenage life first.

I started the engine and drove away from the car park. It only took a few minutes for me to arrive at my house. I parked in the driveway and climbed out of the car. I locked the car and unlocked the door to the house. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

I had nothing else to do so I watched some TV. I was being lazy but I guarantee that I've lost 5 pounds off of running. I laughed to myself. Then I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and walked up to the door then opened it.There stood Ross with flowers in his hands. I wasn't thinking when I slammed the door in his face.

Laura, what were you thinking?!


Oh boy. Laura what
were you thinking?!


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