Chapter 8

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Laura's POV

I woke up the next morning of the sound of an ambulance and fire trucks.

What's going on?

I looked at the time, oh no it was 9:58. I was supposed to be home. I changed out of my pjs that I had left over here (which I'm surprised of how they still fit). Once I was done I grabbed my bag, went outside and locked the door.

I ran to my house just to see that one part of the house is on fire, and that there's police cars, fire trucks, and an ambulance everywhere. My mouth dropped open just looking at the site. I tried to run in but an officer stopped me.

"You may not pass until the flames have stopped," the officer said sternly.

I nodded.

A few minutes later I saw two people on stretchers. They look like.... Mom and Dad?! I rushed up to them, their faces were all bruised and burnt up.

"Mom, Dad? Are you okay?!" I cried.

"They can't speak, their throats need treatment," an officer said.

"What 'treatment?'" I asked.

"It's best for you not to know, but now we're taking them to the hospital," he said.

They took them away in the ambulance and drove out of sight. Then a firefighter came up to me.

"Part of your house is still fine, but you can't live in it anymore. Is there anywhere else you can live while your house is under construction?" he asked.

Then Vanessa popped out of nowhere.

"I can stay at the Lynches, they live right next door," Vanessa said then walked away.

"Okay, that would be great. So are you going to stay with the Lynches too?" the firefighter asked.

"Oh, well no. I already have a stand by house. I can move my stuff there." I responded.

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Starting this evening we'll get a pick up truck to get your stuff and we will drive to the location of where you are staying."

"Okay, thank you."

"My pleasure, it's the best we can do for you," he said then walked away.

What will happen to my parents?

-The Next Day-

I woke up the next day in my new furnished, temporary home. I wish I could live here forever. But what if the house never gets rebuilt? What if my parents aren't okay? To many if's, anything could go wrong.

I sat up then I felt something licking my face. I looked to my side to see a golden retriever puppy.

"Hiya fella!" I said in a silly voice.

I have to return it to its owner. I looked for a phone number. But I couldn't find one, instead I found a note taped to its collar.

Dear Ms. Laura Marano,

We know that you are living here alone. We thought that you might need some company. So now you have a dog that will stand by your side no matter what. We also put some supplies for your new dog on your porch. Plus we put a fence and a gate around your house and put a mini in and out door for your dog (that's how she got in). So enjoy your new puppy!

P.S. Your mother and father agreed, do not worry.

P.S.S. Name the dog whatever you want and you may get a name tag for her collar at our store ;)



Well, I guess I have to get the dog stuff first. I stood up and got to work.

-37 minutes later-

I managed to organize in an empty room. So now it's her room, yet I still haven't given her a name. Hmm...


Wait... That can be her full name... But I want her to have a nick name....

SKY! I want her name to be Sky! It's the perfect name!

I took a large piece of paper and wrote "Sky's Room!" on it. Then I took clear pieces of tape and stuck it on the corners. Lastly, I put it on Sky's door. Sky would be happy to see this.

I whistled, then I heard steps coming.

I opened the door and walked inside her room.

"Sky! Come here! Come on Sky!" I should say that she learns her name pretty fast, because she came over rather quickly.

She looked around. I guess she was happy.

"Goodbye I have to go back to sleep!" Then I closed the door. But I really wanted to see what she was doing so I opened the door again. Oh my goodness, she was sleeping! So cute! I quietly ran to get my iPad, I got back in front of Sky's door. I quickly took a picture of her, then posted it on Instagram.

@lauramarano: My new puppy! Her name is Skylar! Sky for short 😊🐶



@rainydaychatter: OMG! So cute!😘

@mamajoannasmile: Cuter than a baby monkey! 😋

@ayee_itz_kylie: Can I come over sometime? I WANT TO CUDDLE WITH IT SO BADLY!!! 😍

I smiled at all the other comments that I saw. Then I shut off my iPad, walked back to my room and laid in my bed.

I guess I'm living the life now...


What do you guys think? I was eating cereal. You didn't need to know that 😋.

-Anna Bri😋

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