Chapter 3: Something New

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            "I don't plan on staying here much longer, sorry Pierre but I am not intressant," I said irritably, spinning my glass as I sat at the bar in the hotel, staring at the man beside me

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            "I don't plan on staying here much longer, sorry Pierre but I am not intressant," I said irritably, spinning my glass as I sat at the bar in the hotel, staring at the man beside me. He'd been playing one sided twenty-questions with me for the past half-hour as I waited for my mother to meet me. She wanted to prep me before I went on my date with 'mystery guy,' or at least that's what I have referred to him since Saturday when she informed me of the date.

"I would disagree, Miss., you seem pretty-"

"Astoria Blair," my mother chided, stepping between that insufferable man and I, staring down her nose at me with disdain. "You may leave, I need to speak with my daughter." He nodded his head, quickly disappearing. I let out a sigh of relief, leaning forward in my seat.

My mother grabbed my shoulders, straightening my posture before sitting beside me. "Mother-"

"He texted me, he is here, I can only hope he didn't see you talking with that man. Honestly Astoria, it's almost as if you wanted to be ridiculed. Fraternizing with the public," she said, raising her nose in the air in disdain, her face scrunching up in disgust.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes mother, I'm intentionally sabotaging my chances at finding a suitable husband. Hopefully this mystery man won't shun me because I wasn't being outright rude."

"Don't use that tone with me, Astoria Blair, it's very unbecoming," she warned. "You behaved so well at the gala, I'd like to think you grew out of your rebellious phase."

"Mother, I am here for a husband, not a lecture hall."

"Daughter, I am only looking out for you. The man who you will be accompanying tonight, he is very, very influential. It would behoove you to behave and be your most becoming self tonight. I see you received the dress I sent you," she said, inspecting the sea-foam green gown I was wearing. It was strapless, stopping just below my knee in the front and dipping down to the tops of my heels in the back. My hair was lightly pinned off my shoulders and I wore a thin, tiffany chain around my neck that dipped low, grazing my middle back.

"I hope I live up to your expectations, mother."

"You have, and more-so." A Cheshire, brilliant grin formed on her lips as she stared at someone behind me. I felt a hand on my bare shoulder and my head whipped around to meet a pair of bright gray eyes. My heart stopped and I was speechless. His lips pulled into a lopsided, white grin and I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. "Astoria, this is-"

"Mr. Woods," I said breathlessly, slowly rising to my feet, listening to the soft click of my heels on the wood floor. "It's such a pleasure to see you again," I said smoothly, recovering my voice. He took my hand, kissing my knuckles, beaming at me.

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