Chapter 50: Italia

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"Ready to go?" Nathaniel asked, gently placing his hand on the small of my back.

I nodded slowly, grinning up at him, leaning into his touch, letting my fingers trace the five o'clock shadow appearing on his cheeks.  "Are we going back to the country club?" I asked, watching a mischievous smile spread on his lips.

"In that dress?" He asked, stretching his hands down from my shoulders, past my chest, pausing to let his fingers brush against the exposed skin on my stomach.  "I'd love nothing more than to take my wife out to dinner on our last night of the honeymoon," he  said, kissing the base of my neck.

"One more night and then back to the real world," I mused, watching his eyes light up with mischief.

"One more night, and then we'll be back to business as usual," he grinned, patting my rear before grabbing my hand, pulling be behind him.

"Business as usual," I grumbled as we emerged in the parking garage.

"Astoria," Nathaniel whined.  "Are you nervous I'll forget to pay attention to you?" He teased as I wrinkled my nose, opening the car door.

"No, I'm worried that everything will be business as usual," I grumbled as he kissed the apple of my cheek.

"Not with a little one on the way," he grinned mischievously as my eyes flew open, my head snapping in his direction.  "I saw the test this morning," he teased as I bit my lower lip.

"How do you feel about that?" I asked nervously, watching a grin spread on his lips.

"I feel like I'm finally getting what I've always wanted," he said softly, cupping my cheek in his hand, kissing my forehead.  "I'm finally going to have the family we've always talked about."

"You mean that?" I asked hesitantly, watching his eyes sparkle as he nodded his head.  I couldn't help myself from lunging across the seat, enveloping him.

"Easy there tiger," he said, wrapping his arms around me, cradling me.  "Does this mean we're staying home?" He asked, threading his fingers in my hair, kissing my temple.

"No, let's go out and have fun, we have all night to celebrate," I said cheekily, my thumb gently tracing the lines of his strong jaw.

"And forever," he mused, kissing the tip of my jaw before putting the car in drive.  "My beautiful, beautiful wife," he purred, his eyes full of pure happiness as he regarded the road, letting his hand travel across the center consul, his fingers finding mine.

"Time has a wonderful way of working out, don't you think, husband?" I asked, fighting the smile pulling at the corners of my lips.

"It does, doesn't it, wife?"  He said with a sideways smile, revving the engine down the road as I threw my head back in delight, reveling in his glory.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

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