Chapter 35: Home is Where The Heart Is

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"Did you remember everything?" Rafael asked, packing the last bag into the back of the taxi, leaning his arm on the top of the trunk. I grinned at him, stepping towards him down the walkway. He was tan from staying in Spain for the summer, and I was ready to join him for a beautiful fall in his home. His black hair was slightly brown from the sun and his big, warm, chocolate eyes made my heart skip. He was even more handsome, if that was even possible. And he was finally mine.

My fingers instantly reached for the engagement ring on my left hand as a giddy smile formed on my lips. "I'll just be a moment," I said, unable to keep the grin from my lips as I stepped back into the home, my eyes surveying the sitting room, searching until I found Margaret sitting on the couch.

I stood behind her, letting my hands fall on her shoulders as we silently watched out at the sailboats, lazily floating across the horizon.

"I remember the first time I met you, Astoria," Margaret said, cutting through the silence. She looked up at me, arching her neck back so she could look me in the eye. I sat down beside the chair on the wood floor, pulling my knees to my chest. "You were so bold, so witty," she said with humor in her voice, smiling at something far away. "I knew from the moment you stepped into our box at the theatre, you were different. And I know Nathaniel saw it too. When you came back to Court, I watched you that entire evening, dancing with Livingston, and I watched my son watch you. He did not dance with a single girl all night, he paid no attention to Portia-you were the only girl in the room that he paid any mind to."

"Margaret," I began, but she cut me off with a stern look.

"I watched out the window that night, when you stood by the fountain, and he stood from a far. You sparked a curiosity in my son that I have never seen any other woman do. When you looked up at him, he froze. I watched his world stop," she mused, making my heart drop. "When he took you to the ballet, he displayed such an affection, one I'd never seen before. He has been polite, yes, but never affectionate. His eyes followed your every movement-he was constantly touching you, as if you'd drift away if he were to let go of you."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

She turned to face me, and I could see the tears in her eyes, and my heart sank in my chest. "What my son has done to you is unforgivable," she whispered. "But I know he loved you-or he loves you. Every day that he calls, asking if I have heard anything about your whereabouts, and I have to lie to him, I hear the pain in his voice." She wiped her cheeks, her lip curling in as she took a shaky breath, making my eyes spring with tears. "I need you to know that my son is many things, but he does love you, and I hope that in time you can forgive him. He never meant to fall for you, Astoria, and he never meant to hurt you; not the way he did."

"I know he didn't," I whispered, wiping my own eyes, taking a shaky breath. "I forgive him, just as I hope he forgives me."

"If you ever need anything, Astoria-" before she finished her sentence I embraced her, catching her by surprise. "I don't care what anyone says, you are my daughter," she whispered, making a giggle bubble in my chest as I nodded in agreement. "I will see you soon, yes?" She asked, holding me at arms length. I nodded my head, grinning before I stepped back from her, walking side by side towards the door.

"Let Nathaniel know I'm going to be okay," I said after a moment as she opened the door, revealing Rafael standing on the porch, typing away at his phone. I grinned knowingly at Margaret. Work. She embraced me one last time before Rafael tucked me under his shoulder and I wrapped my hands around his waist, taking in the soft smell of his cologne.

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