Chapter 42:

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"Mrs. Petrova?  Mrs. Petrova, are you listening?" the lawyer asked from across the table.  I glanced in his direction before looking back at my phone, texting my mother.

"Whatever Jennifer wanted is fine, David, I'm sure it's going to be lovely," I said dismissively.

"Rafael's parents wanted your input-" David began, but I sent him a warning glance.

"It's a funeral, not a wedding," I snapped.  "I have business to do, if you're quite finished here."

"I can come back later, if you're busy-"

"Or you could call Jennifer back and let her know I've approved her decisions."

"You have nothing to say about the funeral arrangements for tomorrow?" He asked.

"I've said all I needed to say."

David was silent for a moment as he collected his papers, filing them into his brief case.  His silver hair was brushed back and his face was peppered with wrinkles.  "The precession will be tomorrow morning," David said, clearing his throat.

"As you've said," I said irritably, rising from my chair, smoothing out my black dress skirt and blazer.  "I will see you tomorrow, then."

"My sincerest condolences again, Mrs. Petrova," David said, nodding at me before I sent him a tight lipped smile.

"Thank you," I said before letting my eyes follow his back out of the room before I waited for the door to close behind him.

I let out a long breath, smoothing out my sleek bun before looking at the boxes on the ground in the office.  I'd arranged for all of Rafael's things to be boxed up so that I could take them home.  I wanted to be able to go through his things in peace.

I hadn't had a moment to myself since I found him-almost a week had passed-and nothing was any easier.  I hadn't slept in our master bedroom since I found him-Lana had moved all of my belongings back to the bedroom I used when I first visited Rafael.

"Mrs. Petrova," a feminine voice called from the other side of the door to Rafael's office.  I pursed my lips for a moment, contemplating ignoring her.  I finally sighed before I opened the door, slightly taken aback by the sight in front of me.  "You have a visitor," Rafael's short, shy assistant said, avoiding my eyes as I glared down at her.

"Thank you Gwen," Nathaniel said, brushing past me, squeezing my arm in a warning touch before gently pulling me backwards into the room, closing the door behind me. "My, I've heard that there is a new reigning dictator in my building in Spain, who would have guessed it was my ex-wife," Nathaniel said with a light tone.

"It's not my fault you and Rafael have a staff of imbeciles," I said irritably, crossing my arms over my chest as I tried not to look at his toned, manicured, handsome physique.  Even with dark circles and the same fatigue I felt outwardly showing on him, he looked as handsome as ever.  Tired, but handsome.

"Why haven't you returned anyones phone calls, Stor?" He asked.

"I've been busy," I shrugged, sitting behind Rafael's desk, opening my emails.  "My life didn't just stop-"

"Your husband died Astoria," Nathaniel said calmly as my fingers stopped mid key stroke as I glared at him over the top of the laptop.

"I'm aware," I said with a smug smile.  "Thanks for the reminder Nate."

Nathaniel sighed, running a hand through his hair as I began typing again.  "That's not what I meant-"

"How's Portia?" I sneered.  "Have you finally put a ring on it?"

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