Chapter 37: The Second Wedding

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            When I woke up I was completely exhausted. Rafael was making breakfast and it was already noon. I pulled the covers high on my chest and stared up at the ceiling. Rafael wanted to get married, today; he brought it up this morning. Today is good a time as any he had said with a shrug after her brought it up this morning when we were... occupied. He had a dress made, he had the shoes, he had the venue, he even had the priest. It would just be the priest, Lana, and the pair of us, nothing too big. His parents were too far away to make it. My mother was in America, consoling my father after Ava was found cheating shocker. She is such a fool for my father, but I guess that is how it should be, we should all be fools in love.

I sighed, sitting up, wrapping my arms around my legs. Rafael and I had our differences, yes, but we also had so many beautiful things ahead of us. We talked about having children soon, and it warmed my heart that he was willing to start now. I was twenty five and he just turned twenty seven, and now we were going to be bringing in a new member of the family. I grinned to myself, thinking of this morning. He was adamant about making breakfast for me after we took a shower this morning. I think he wanted to give me time to process things.

Nathaniel was asking about me yesterday after Rafael told him he knew where I was. Rafael said that Nathaniel wanted to see me, but I doubted he had honorable intentions, he hadn't seen me since our argument in his office, and he probably wanted to finish what we started.

And then there was the matter of Portia, whom Nathaniel broke things off with. It was almost ironic really; the girl he gave everything up for was given up for nothing. There were rumors about others trying to become the next Mrs. Woods, but as far as anyone knew, I was still the reigning Mrs. Woods because Nathaniel refused to let anyone replace me.

All that the tabloids knew was that I left Nathaniel and he still wasn't over me. They knew he dumped his mistress, they knew I ran away to Spain, and they knew I was already engaged. To them, it looked like I made out like a bandit; two billionaires vying for my hand. It was almost too good to be true. I didn't dwell on the idea, because I didn't particularly care. Nathaniel was such a tired topic in my mind, I spent so long trying to figure out what I had done wrong, but I don't think there was anything I could have done to save that marriage. It was a losing battle from the start.

The only good thing that came out of that marriage was Rafael. I felt a blush creep to my cheeks as I thought about him. He offered me the world, and I knew he'd be an amazing husband. He wasn't perfect, but he was perfect to me. We had arguments, and we didn't always agree, but at the end of the day, everything worked out. Things with him were easy, they were natural, and I loved that. Rafael couldn't hurt me the way Nathaniel did.

"Breakfast in bed for my beautiful future Mrs. Petrova." I grinned eagerly sitting up, taking a big bite of the strawberry waffles.

"This is delicious," I groaned.

His fingers danced across my shoulder and I stopped chewing mid-bite. "I can think of something else that is delicious," he whispered seductively, his hands wandering. I crinkled my nose, batting his hand away.

"Isn't it bad luck to see your bride on the day of the wedding?" I chided, trying to by myself some time.

"Well here it isn't bad-"

I laughed out loud, finishing my bacon and shoving my plate towards him. "Out!" I shouted playfully. He put his hands up in surrender.

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