Chapter 5: Ultimatums

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            I could feel the warmth from the sun filtering through the windows, warming my cheek as I let out a soft groan

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            I could feel the warmth from the sun filtering through the windows, warming my cheek as I let out a soft groan. My eyes fluttered open, pleasantly surprised to see Nathaniel sitting beside me, a coffee in one hand and his other hand furiously typing on his laptop. His black-rimmed glasses sat low on the bridge of his nose as he intently stared at the screen.

I smiled as I pulled the covers higher under my chin, intently watching him.

"Good morning," he said softly, his hand deftly reaching in my direction, finding my fingers and squeezing them. "I made breakfast, it's in the kitchen. I didn't want to wake you."

I rested my head on my folded arms, crossing my ankles, letting my feet peak out from under the comforter. "What time is it?"

"It's," he paused, glancing at his watch. "Six-thirty, why?"

I groaned, tossing myself back against the bed before springing to my feet. "Where's my phone at?" I asked, glancing down at the white button up shirt I was in and looking back at Nathaniel. "How-"

"On the dresser, it has been ringing since 6," he said, glancing at me over the edge of his glasses and giving me a devilish smile. "You are a very, very heavy sleeper Miss. Wellington."

I dropped my face in my hands, shaking my head. "I am so sorry-"

He let out a ringing laugh, taking off his glasses and closing his laptop, climbing out of bed. My mouth ran dry as he sauntered toward me, only in his black Calvin Klein boxers. My eyes widened as I took in his broad shoulders and small waist. He was impossibly attractive. His eyes met mine and a cocky smirk spread on his lips as I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. I quickly turned on my heel, racing out of the room and down a long, narrow hallway, following the delicious smell of food, conscious of the closing gap between Nathaniel and I. I felt his hands reaching for my waist as I skipped ahead, sending a playful grin back at him, watching the way his muscles moved as he trailed behind.

I barely made it into the kitchen before my phone began buzzing. I let out a loud groan, answering it just as Nathaniel grabbed my waist, pulling my back firmly against his chest. The air was knocked out of my lungs as I let out a breathy "Hello mother."

I could almost hear the smile on the other end of the line. "I dropped by your penthouse this morning to ask you how your night went, although, now I can only speculate how well last night went." The smugness in her voice made me set my jaw, glaring down at the hands that were clasped around my stomach. I tried to wriggle out of his embrace, but he only pulled me closer, burying his face in my neck, earning a gasp as his lips traveled from my ear toward my collarbone.

"Mother," I said, trying to keep my voice even, swatting at Nathaniel with my free hand. "Nothing happened, Nathaniel and I flew to Monaco because he has some business here in-"

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