Chapter 25: Ghosts

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            "Are you ready?" Nathaniel asked from the bedroom as I braced my hands against the counter, fighting the compulsion to stay rooted in place. I took a step back, smoothing out the black fabric of my dress as I fixed the pin that pulled back my blonde hair.

"I'm coming," I said absentmindedly, strapping on my black booties as I emerged into the bedroom. Nathaniel looked handsome, as usual, but he looked tired. His black button up shirt and powder blue dress pants fit him loosely, as my dress fit me loosely. Lately we'd been doing everything in our power to avoid each other.

"Happy one year," he said softly as he followed me towards the elevator. I nodded my head, ignoring the yellow roses that sat on the kitchen island counter. I was so sick of seeing yellow roses. I was sick of seeing his apologies around my home.

As we descended, I felt an overwhelming dread in my stomach. Tonight, we were going to meet Nathaniel's family in downtown Lyon. We'd see Catalina and Daphne, whom I'd seldom seen since Nathaniel told me I wasn't allowed to visit them, and we'd see his parents, whom he'd all but forbade me to see because he was scared I'd tattle on him.

I mostly spent my time in the penthouse, or in Paris. Nathaniel hadn't cared where I stayed, as long as we still appeared in town together for functions. I'd read almost every book in the collection in Paris. Most my time was spent in my office in Paris on conference calls with my father, dedicated to my company.

It was easier to think about business than the quiet life I lived. My father thought it was a good thing, my sudden dedication to the company that was never this ferocious, but I think even he knew the real reason behind my late nights in the office. It was easier to fall asleep at the office, wondering if Nathaniel returned home, than being in the penthouse, knowing his absence meant that he was with her.

The drive to the restaurant was silent as we both sat tangled in our thoughts. We hadn't argued in months, which was nice, but we also hadn't spoken in... months. I had no idea how his company was. I had no idea how Rafael was. I hadn't spoken to Daphne or Catalina. I was an island lost in the Bermuda, and they were a land of their own, lost from me.

"Could you at least smile?" Nathaniel asked, standing at my door, taking me by surprise as I realized we were already at the restaurant. I nodded, offering a soft smile as I stood tall beside him, almost his height in my towering heels. I pulled my black, fur shawl tighter around me as he rested his hand on my lower back, guiding me inside.

"Reservation for Woods," I spoke, my voice hoarse and hollow, betraying my exterior poise. The hostess nodded, guiding us to the back banquet room where his parents and sisters were. Daphne was the first to rise, embracing me as if she never thought she'd see me again. And I embraced her with the same ferocity, knowing I hadn't seen her in nearly seven months.

"I missed you so much," she whispered as Nathaniel pulled me back to him. She sent him a murderous glare before Catalina embraced me, holding me close to her before silently stepping back, her eyes glossy as she stood beside Daphne. Their silence spoke volumes.

"Astoria!" Margaret said giddily, embracing me. I smiled, embracing her before stepping back. "You look so thin," she said almost sadly. Her words were a painful translation: you are not pregnant.

"Hi mom," Nathaniel said, gauging my reaction to his mother's words as he warmly embraced her.

Nathaniel's father, George also gave me a soft, short embrace before sitting back down. I sat beside Nathaniel and Daphne. There was a silent standoff happening as I sat uncomfortably in the middle of it. Neither of them had spoken since that night in the club.

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