Chapter 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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"Rafael!" I shouted from the bathroom, fastening the back onto my diamond studs as I turned, resting my hands on the granite counter behind me

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"Rafael!" I shouted from the bathroom, fastening the back onto my diamond studs as I turned, resting my hands on the granite counter behind me. "Rafa!" I sang in a sing-song voice, trying to lure him into the bathroom. "Darling," I purred, unable to hold the smile from my voice as my fingers trailed over the diamond ring on my middle finger, twisting the delicate, silver band. Rafael had given it to me as a promise ring for the month: for the month, I belonged to him. It felt almost a natural thought: I belonged to Rafael.

"Yes?" He asked, poking his head into the bathroom, as his fingers were busy with tying his black tie. He smirked at me, letting his eyes rake over me. "My, my, don't you look like sin," he purred, making me blush as I straightened my white gown, fiddling with the long sleeves.

"Is this alright?" I asked, smoothing out the white fabric of my floor length dress. He grinned his crooked smile, making my heart flutter in my chest as he stalked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, letting his fingers trace my bare back, making me shiver.

He dipped his head low, his breath kissing my neck as my lashes fluttered closed. "You look so beautiful," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the hollow behind my ear. "That it is hard for me to think about pretending to be your business partner and not your lover this evening."

I grinned, pulling back, resting my hands on his shoulders, and straightening his bowtie. "It's going to be difficult for me to watch all the girls fawn over you, Rafa," I mused softly, glancing up at his amused features. "I'm serious!" I shouted, trying to feign annoyance.

"You're my date tonight," he mused, pulling me behind him as we walked down the staircase and into his Bentley. "No other girl is going to take me away from you." He reached across the gearshift, resting his hand on my thigh as we drove towards Motril.

As we pulled up outside, a flash of cameras lined the sidewalk, bombarding the guests. The valet opened the doors, helping us out as Rafael came around the car, offering his arm. I gratefully grabbed onto his arm, facing the arsenal of questions I didn't want to answer. Where is Nathaniel? Why are you in Spain? How is the company fairing? When will you return to Lyon?

I grimaced my way through the paparazzi as we finally emerged onto the decorated street. The towering buildings were a glossy white, beautiful and classic above us in the starry sky. Rows of lights were strung from building to building across the narrow street, illuminating the cement below.

Rafael nudged me, pulling me out of my daze as I came face to face with Portia's father, Mr. Robert Green. The smirk he sent me made my blood boil as I sent him a sweet smile, accepting his outstretched hand.

"Robert," I purred, unable to keep the hint of venom from my mouth. "So good to see you, how is Portia doing in Lyon?" I asked him, straightening my shoulders, watching Rafael's cool expression beside me. His calm seemed to envelope me; it was refreshing, reminding me to be civil with the owner of Green Luxury Hotels & Spa.

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