Chapter 44: Empathy

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I had never understood why my mother sent me away for the summer when I was growing up.  I used to think it was because raising a child was a hassle, but now I could see things through her eyes.  When my father and her quit speaking around my fifteenth birthday, my mother became very reserved.  She hardly interacted with me; I thought it was my fault.

But now I know it was the grief.

Losing Rafael was like losing a part of myself.  We were each other's safe place; he was my home.  Seeing Lucie in the morning is the only thing that keeps me happy, just as when my mother saw me would keep her going.  She used to think that sending me to Moscow was the best thing for me, because she couldn't take care of me on her own before she fixed herself.

"Breakfast is ready!" Lana called from downstairs as I fastened the last button on my dress, adjusting the sleeves as I picked up my bag, ushering Lucie out of my bedroom and racing down the stairs behind her.

"Good girl," I cooed, knocking a treat off the counter and into her mouth, listening to the satisfying crunch of the hard cookie.  "I have a dinner meeting tonight with Nathaniel and the Greens'," I said in a dry tone.

The last thing I wanted to do was discuss the deal Nathaniel had made with Portia and her father before things all changed.

The will stipulated that Nathaniel and I would be the co-CEO's as long as the company remained independent from any other company-including Green luxury hotels.  The thought alone made a smile rise to my lips as I nodded at Lana, grabbing my breakfast bag off the table and racing out the door, sliding into the drivers side of Rafael's pale blue Bentley that I would never tire of seeing every day.

Portia still tried to flirt with Nathaniel, which only agitated him.  A part of me felt satisfaction watching the disgust pass his features at her crude words.  She did not hide her intentions, and he did not hide his irritation.

It seemed ironic to me knowing that years ago I would have rejoiced at the sight, and now it only made a pit form in the bottom of my stomach.  I would have given anything to be the object of his affection-like she was-and now he hates her.

Time changes things-time changes people.

I glanced down at my watch as I hurriedly collected my belongings, nearly running in my heels as I furiously pressed the button for the elevator.  I hated being second to work behind Nathaniel.  I hated the smug smile of satisfaction he gave me when he was on time and I was late.

"Come on," I said impatiently, tapping my heel.  "I could take the stairs faster than this," I grumbled.

"Really?" a smooth, deep voice asked from beside me as I shot Nathaniel a warning glare.  "Someone is impatient to get upstairs to her office," he teased.

"Shouldn't you be in Lyon soon?" I asked, smiling sweetly at him as the elevator doors parted and we both stepped inside.

"Granada is growing on me," he said, shrugging.

"Shame," I said sarcastically, watching a smug smirk appear on his lips.

"Are you going to the dinner tonight?" He asked as the elevator began its descent.

I glared at him out of the corner of my eye before tipping my chin up in the air, shrugging.  "Are you?" I asked cautiously.  He nodded, winking at me.  "No," I said simply, stepping out of the doors, rushing to get away.  But he was close on my heels. I could almost feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"When should I pick you up?" He asked as I paused my step, glaring up at him.

"Isn't it a little indecent for you to be making a move on your ex-business partner's widow?" I asked irritably, watching the amusement in his eyes.  "Oh wait, I forgot, you have no decency," I mused, putting a thoughtful finger to my chin.

"When did you know?" He teased.

I pursed my lips, reaching for my keys in my purse, listening to the soft click of the locks unlocking in the Bentley.

"Around the time I found out you got me pregnant for fun," I said simply with a sweet smile.

"I'll be by around 6 to pick you up!" He said over the purr of the engine as I slammed the door shut.

"Wear yellow!" I teased as he grinned at me.

I pulled out of the lot, mumbling under my breath as I raced towards my home.

Nathaniel was being unreasonably flirty with me.  I was irritated and flattered-but mostly irritated.

People were talking-and not just about me being the new face of the company.  I was the CEO for two of the most powerful companies in the business-and I was unfortunately still tied to Nathaniel.  Someone I knew I'd never quite be able to shake.

We'd fallen into a sort of playful banter since the funeral.

He'd mock me, I would bash his reputation, and all would be well.

Neither of us had gone to an event without the other.  It was always an unspoken rule: he was my date, and I was his.

Neither of us had a significant other or someone to come home to-and it was hard to accept at first-but things are always hard at first.

And then they become okay.

And eventually they feel like freedom.



I would just like to take a few moments and thank all of you LOVELY readers out there!  I am so thankful that you have decided to give Astoria's story so much attention-you guys rock!

I'm sorry for the late update (and short chapter, but there are better things to come I promise!)-I just moved back in to school and welcome week has been super busy for me!  I'm hoping to update weekly or bi-weekly, whichever works-but there will be an update at least once a week, so be patient!

Love you guys lots


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