Chapter 17: Alhambra

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"May I know now?" I asked cautiously as my fingers remained latched onto Rafael

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"May I know now?" I asked cautiously as my fingers remained latched onto Rafael. I could hear him smirk as I struggled to see, but the blindfold crushed any attempt I made.

"Just a little farther," Rafael insisted, making me let out a huff, but I couldn't hold back the smile that pulled at my lips as he stopped. I felt his presence behind me as the blindfold slowly fell, brushing my neck before Rafael pocketed it. "Open your eyes," he whispered against the hollow of my neck. I carefully opened them and let out a gasp.

"Wow," I whispered, amazed as I took a slow step further into the garden as he trailed behind me.

"Welcome to Granada," Rafael said sheepishly behind me. I numbly nodded my head as I weaved through the garden. It was dimly lit by hanging lamps as we walked further into the garden, creeping closer to the palace.

"I remember you telling me about how beautiful the palace was," I whispered, finally turning to see Rafael's expectant gaze. He reached for my hand, silently pulling me deeper into the garden until we reached an open area beside the pond where a small table, chairs, and a picnic basket rested. Rafael was the first to sit, pulling me down beside him. "I feel a little underdressed," I admitted sheepishly, glancing down at my blue, knee length cotton dress and chunky sweater.

"You look beautiful," he said earnestly, releasing my hand and handing me a small box of Chinese food. I instantly let out a laugh as I grinned at the box.

"Chinese food in Spain," Rafael said with a lopsided grin, making my heart flutter and a blush creep to my cheeks.

We ate our food in comfortable silence, each immersed in our own thoughts. I thought of my mother, who I knew was devastated in America with my father about the baby. I wondered what Nathaniel would tell them if they came to town and I was nowhere in sight. Perhaps the truth? Or would he lie to them, as he'd lied to everyone else? Or would he have the courage to tell them I've left? I set my box of food down, crossing my legs and staring up at the clear sky. I lay back on the picnic blanket, musing about what hovered above me. I wondered what God had in store for me, as he evidently did not plan a child in my immediate future.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Rafael asked, instantly making me tense. Nathaniel had asked me the same question on a number of occasions, and hearing the same phrase come from Rafael made me anxious.

I sat up and he followed me wrapping his arms around his knees. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Do you ever act selfishly?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment before he rose to his feet, extending his hand. In a flash we were both standing. He pulled me flush against his chest as his cool breath fanned my cheeks. His thumb traced the apple of my cheek as my eyes locked with his. I opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head. "Only when I'm around you," he whispered before ducking his head, brushing his lips against mine, making my heart hammer in my chest as my legs turned to jelly beneath me. "I am the most selfish man alive when I am around you," he whispered before pecking me once more. "And no matter how hard I try to stay away from you, you always pull me back in, making it impossible for me to get you off my mind."

"You make me selfish too," I whispered, threading our fingers together. His free hand came up to cup my cheek. I immediately leaned into his touch as I focused on our shoes on the stone pathway. "Does that make me like him?" I asked in a soft, cracked voice as my eyes slowly met his. "Does that make me just like Nathaniel?"

Rafael shook his head. I could see the hesitation in his eyes as he carefully chose his words. "You deserve to be happy, Astoria. He made his choice-now it's your turn to make yours."

I nodded before resting my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around him. "It's just not that easy, Rafael," I whispered, unable to look at him as I thought of the deal I made with Nathaniel. My choices have consequences.

He glanced down at his watch before wrapping an arm around my shoulder, guiding me back out the way we came, stopping in front of his car. "Whatever he's holding over you, Astoria, I can help fix it," he whispered, kissing my temple before stepping into the car, reaching for my hand across the gearshift as we sat in silence until we arrived back at his home.

We both disappeared to our own spaces as we changed into our pajamas. The clock read midnight, but I was not tired in the slightest. I slowly crept down the stairs and took a seat on the couch, pulling my feet up under me as I watched out the big picture window. The sky was bright with stars, cloudless, completely serene.

Rafael rested his hands on my shoulders, startling me as I looked up at him. He looked so at peace as he glanced down at me with a soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"Come to bed," he whispered, bowing down, wrapping me in his embrace as he nuzzled my neck. "I want to cuddle," he whined, making a genuine laugh bubble out of my chest as I slowly rose, never letting go of his hand as I followed him upstairs to his room.

Itook in a deep breath, taking in his soft, masculine scent as he pulled backthe covers, watching me expectantly. Icrawled in and he crawled in behind me, letting his arm lazily lay across myhips. I pulled the covers up over myshoulders, curling into Rafael as I closed my eyes, lulled to sleep by hissoft, even breathing and the small circular patterns that his thumb traced onmy exposed waist. It was as if time hadstopped, because for once in what seemed like an eternity, my life wasseemingly perfect.    

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