Chapter 38: Gentlemen Prefer Her

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"I like the midnight blue," I decided as Rafael held up two different curtain colors.  "It accents the blues in the granite."

"So that's a no to the gray, then?" Rafael asked.  I nodded, grinning, pulling his shirt tighter around me as I watched him hang the blue curtains, the muscles beneath his button up shirt stretching, making my heart stutter in my chest.  Every time I looked at Rafael was like the first: I couldn't ignore the compulsion to stare.  "You know, I just don't know why we couldn't hire a professional," he grumbled, stepping down the ladder, coming to stand beside me.  I wrapped my arms around his waist, tucking myself under his arm, knowing I'd never get bored of holding him.  Rafael was the only constant in my life, and I loved him for it.  I never doubted us.

"It's so much more fun to do this ourselves, Rafa," I whispered as he kissed the crown of my head.  "Besides, I enjoy watching you do house chores with me, it's entertaining," I said cheekily.

"You're lucky I love you," he mumbled as we surveyed his handiwork.

We'd been remodeling our home-I still was giddy about knowing this was my home now-since the wedding two months ago, after our honeymoon in the Dominican and after Catalina and Henry's wedding.  Not surprisingly, I never saw Nathaniel at the wedding, aside from the brief time he spent as a groomsmen, Nathaniel was virtually invisible at her wedding, and the selfish part of me was thankful.  As proud as I was to be Mrs. Petrova, a part of me would always feel guilty for giving up on being Mrs. Woods.  I'd never admit it to Rafael, but the guilt I felt for what I'd done in Paris would never go away, because I didn't only hurt Rafael, but I hurt Nathaniel as well.  His parents had nearly taken his share of the company away because of what I did-because of the secrets that I leaked.

But he hadn't tried to come talk to me after he found out that Rafael and I were married, which was a relief.  Before the wedding, he'd constantly texted, called, emailed-he'd done everything in his power to get ahold of me, and for the life of me, I couldn't reply.  Rafael had said he wanted to apologize, but I knew what he wanted: he wanted to make amends.  And I don't want to make amends, I want to remember him for the horrible husband he was, not the man he has always been.

"Where is Lucie?" Rafael asked, pulling me from my thought, his eyes searching the room.

"Lana just fed her breakfast," I said grinning, thinking of my little girl.  She'd grown so big since the wedding when Rafael gave her to me.  It meant so much to me that he had got her.  He said she was the first of many additions to our family.  His promise still gives me goose bumps when I think of the conviction he spoke with.  He knew what a family meant to me, and he knew what his promise meant to me, and he made it anyway.

"Lucie!" I hollered as we both listened for her clumsy, quick footsteps as she skated across the tile floor, sitting at our feet, her tongue hanging from the side of her mouth as her tail impatiently wagged, waiting for either of us to pick her up.

She'd grown so much from the small pup she was, she was nearly thirty pounds now, her blue eyes clear as day and her gray and white coat as beautiful and thick as ever.

I slowly kneeled down and she raced towards me, putting her paws on my shoulders, nearly knocking me over.  Rafael stood behind me, bracing my fall as I sent him an apologetic smile before turning my attention to Lucie.

"Good girl," I cooed, running my fingers through her soft coat.  "Are you going to wait with mama while daddy goes to work today in Lyon?" I purred as she jumped in my lap.  I kissed her temple before rising to my feet, letting her rub her side against my leg impatiently, waiting to go for a morning run.

"I'll be back tomorrow evening," Rafael said, kissing my temple as Lucie tried to wiggle her way in between us.  We both grinned at her.  She always wanted to be the center of attention.

"I'll be waiting for you," I whispered with a grin.  "Be careful, Rafa."

"I always am, Astoria," he said with a grin.  "I love you, tomorrow I will take my girls downtown, maybe get a treat at the bakery after dinner," he said as Lucie's ears perked up.  She knew exactly what that meant.  The owners of the bakery loved her and always treated her to a special puppy snack.

"Promise?" I teased as he pecked my nose.


I sighed, following him down the stairs as Lucie danced in circles at our feet.  When Rafael grabbed his keys Lucie playfully leapt for them, trying to catch them in her mouth.  "Lucie," I chided as she lay her ears flat on her head.

"Goodbye Luc," Rafael said, embracing Lucie as she wrapped her tail around his arm before he rose to his feet and she sat, patiently waiting by her leash.  "Goodbye Mrs. Petrova," he purred, kissing me, embracing me.  "I love you both," he said as he reached for the door knob, picking up his bag and briefcase.  "If you have any problems, call, alright?"

"I'd call you even if I didn't," I teased, watching his lopsided grin spread as he reached for my hand, kissing the back of my hand, a gesture that I'd never get tired of.  It was so class, so innocent, and so Rafael.

"See you tomorrow," he said, giving my fingers one final squeeze before stepping into his Bentley that I loved, pulling out of the garage, leaving Lucie, Lana, and I alone to wait for his return.


"A wedding, a bride, a bouquet, oh, what a glorious day," Margaret sang as she grinned at Catalina who offered a nervous smile.

"Don't be getting cold feet now," Daphne said from across the room, her navy blue brides maid dress hugging her figure as she sauntered over towards Catalina.

"I'm just ready to get on with it," Catalina said impatiently, fiddling with the tool skirt of her gown.  Her white veil stopped at her waist, the lace trimmings scalloped, perfectly edged with sparkling gems and sequins.

"Don't rush," I said softly as I smoothed out my own brides maid dress, holding tight to my bouquet.  "It is over in an instant."

"Are you thinking about when you and Rafael got married?" Catalina asked as she came to stand beside me.  The other girls fell into soft chatter about how the ceremony would preside as we settled into the back of the room.  I nodded to her question as I straightened her gown.

"I remember when I first married Nathaniel, when I was in the car with Rafael on my way to the ceremony.  I remember how nervous I was-I was reviewing every conversation we'd ever had, trying to decide if I made the right choice, if that was how I wanted to spend my life-"

"And how did you feel when you were finally married?" Catalina whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I felt so unbelievably lucky to have a husband as charming as your brother, Catalina.  I loved him-I loved him so much-"

"Too much?" She asked, the anxiousness evident in her tone.

I smiled, shaking my head.  "There's no such thing as loving someone too much," I answered honestly, thinking of Rafael, the man who'd done anything and everything he could to get to the point we are at now.  "Do you love him?" I asked.

Catalina nodded, grinning at me.  "Henry is everything I've ever wanted.  He's so kind, and funny, and honest, and reliable, and-"

"I think we have our answer," I whispered as she grinned at me.  I reached for her hand, squeezing her fingertips.  "I don't think we should keep the groom waiting any longer."

"Thank you, Astoria," Catalina whispered, embracing me before Margaret shuttled us out the door and towards the groomsmen.

I took my place beside Rafael and beamed up at him, wordlessly intertwining our fingers, taking a deep breath before the doors opened and we led the bridal party towards the altar.

I could hardly focus through the service as I held Rafael's gaze the entire time, never wavering as though we were the only two in the room.  Rafael had that effect on me-he made me feel as though I were the only girl in the entire world-as though I were the only girl that mattered.

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