Chapter 47: Let Me Love You

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"Do you have any idea who he is bringing?" Livingston asked, putting on his cuff links, glancing up at me in the mirror.

I shrugged.  "Probably his new secretary Jill," I said, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.  It wasn't my fault she dressed so inappropriately; any man would fall victim to that.

"The new blonde girl?" Livingston asked, quirking a brow as I sent him a glower.

"Can we get moving along now, please?" I asked, smoothing out the skirt of my dress.

"It's not his fault the belle of the ball rejected him," Livingston quipped as I shot him a dirty look.

"It's not funny, Livingston!"  I chirped, fighting a smile as he opened the door to his car for me.

"This is what you get for trying to prove a point to Daphne," Livingston said smugly, pulling out of the parking garage.

"This is what we both get for loving such complicated people," I grumbled, watching his smug smile falter as he glared at me out of the corner of his eye.  "What?  Is Amberley a sore subject for you?" I teased.

"You are savage," he teased, grinning at me as we slowed to a stop outside the white, river side venue.

"If anyone asks-"

"I'd love to be your boyfriend," he teased, coming around to my side of the car, resting his hand low on my back, drawing me to his side, nuzzling my neck.  "Something about a rogue english girl makes me mad," he purred as I wrinkled my nose, fighting a grin as we walked into the full room, engulfed by the soft hum of classical music.

"A full house," I mused, my eyes scanning the crowd, seeking out a certain italian man and his secretary.

"A drink?" Livingston asked, slipping a glass of champagne in my hand.  I nodded, taking a welcoming, cool sip of the sweet drink.  I scanned the room, spotting a balcony on the east side of the building.  I was desperate for a get away, but I couldn't.

I couldn't take the easy way out.  I'd made an appearance, and I refused to leave before he saw me.

"Care for a dance?" Livingston asked, setting our glasses of wine on a passing tray before taking my hand, bobbing through the crowd, saying short greetings in passing before he pulled me close, slipping a hand around my waist and another in my hand.

"I missed you, Livingston," I sad after a moment as he pulled me closer.  I rested my head on his chest, listening to his pounding heart mingling with the beat of the music.

"I missed you too Stor," he whispered, kissing the crown of my head as I closed my eyes, embracing the moment.

"Lawyer," I heard a husky, short voice say from behind me.  My eyes sprung open as I stood tall, staring at a grinning Livingston.

"Woods," Livingston said cooling in acknowledgment.

"Astoria," Nathaniel said in a low, tense voice as I peered up at him beneath my long lashes, batting my eyes.

"Nathaniel," I said with a sweet smile, glancing at his date.  "Jill," I said with mild contempt as Livingston pulled me closer to his side, an action that did not go unnoticed by Nathaniel.

"You look lovely, Astoria," Nathaniel spoke softly, his eyes slowly raking down my body before meeting mine, the lust poorly concealed as he locked eyes with me, taking my breath away.

"It's lovely to see you both," I said dismissively, clearing my throat, glancing up at Livingston.

"We're going to get some fresh air-"

"Would you mind terribly if I stole Astoria away for a moment?  We need to discuss business," Nathaniel said, glancing at Livingston.

"I don't see why it can't wait until-" I began.

"It can't," Nathaniel pressed, dragging me behind him without another thought as we emerged onto the empty balcony.  "How can you stand to be with that-that lawyer?" Nathaniel said disdainfully.

I glared at him, fighting the pucker of my lips as I raised my chin in the air.  "You made your choice," I said dismissively.

"I chose you," he snapped.  "I chose you-over and over I keep choosing you-"

"You feel sorry for me, that's it, Nathaniel," I sighed.  "You think you owe me for what has happened-"

"You know what, I do think I owe you something," Nathaniel snapped, making my hands tense on the stone railing of the balcony as I craned my head to the side.  "I owe you the husband that I should have been in the first place.  I may not be as wholesome or holy as the lawyer-"

"Livingston," I snapped.

"Livingston," Nathaniel said coolly.  "I may not be as wholesome as Livingston, but I love you.  And there is no other woman out there that drives me as crazy as you do."

"That's nice, Nate-"

"I'm not finished," he chided, reaching into his pocket.  My heart sank in my chest as my eyes followed his movements as he got down on one knee.  I shook my head, my heart hammering in my chest.


"Just listen," he said in a solute tone as I closed my mouth.  "I messed up the first time, and by the time I realized it, I had already been replaced.  And I'm not asking you to let me take Rafael's place, because I know I will never be able to take up his place in your heart, but I want you.  I want all of you for the rest of my life.  We-you and I-we are a great team, the greatest ever.  I've known that since I took you to the ballet in Paris.  I see it in the way you are kind to people who are cruel.  I love you for all the things you are and the things you aren't.  I've never wanted a woman so badly as I have wanted you.  And when you brought up marriage the other day, the only thing I could think about was this ring," he paused, opening the box, revealing our wedding band.

I choked on my breath as I bit my lips together, unable to form words.  "I never got rid of it because I knew, one day, I'd convince you that I am worthy of your love.  And I know that deep down, you never stopped loving me, and I'm going to make it up to you.  Because I never deserved your love, but now that I have it, I'm never letting go of it."

"You love me?" I whispered, unable to hold back the disbelief in my voice as he slowly stood up, wrapping an arm around my waist, drawing my hips close to his.  His tentative fingers threaded in my loose curls, the pad of his thumb stroking my cheek.

"I love you," he whispered.

Three words I never thought I would hear from him.

Three words I never thought I would believe coming from him.

But I did.

"You want to marry me?" I asked, fighting a disbelieving smile as he nodded.

"More than anything," he whispered, brushing his nose across mine.

"Me too," I admitted, feeling the familiar weight of our wedding band on my ring finger, where it was always meant to stay.

"We're really going to do this?" He asked, letting his lips brush the apple of my cheek as I slowly nodded, leaning into his embrace.

"I promised you forever," I whispered, listening to the curve of his smile before his lips settled on mine.

"I knew you weren't in love with the lawyer," he teased as I grinned, playfully hitting his chest.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You don't look at him the way you look at me."

My heart skipped in my chest as he threaded his fingers in mine, kissing my forehead.

I had nothing else to say.

Because it was completely true.

I'd never looked at anyone the same way I looked at him.

Not even Rafael.

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