Chapter 7: Strange Alliances

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            I sat on the back patio, staring down the bouquet of yellow roses Nathaniel had left behind along with the note that informed me that he had to return to Lyon for unexpected business with his partner, Rafael, but he'd send for me to return to Paris whenever I was ready. Margaret and George had left early in the morning to return to Versailles, and my mother was already safely back in Paris, grinning from ear to ear knowing I was going to marry Nathaniel.

I picked at my eggs and bacon, pursing my lips as Nathaniel's sister, Daphne, emerged from the home. We'd met this morning when Margaret introduced us before she left, and needless to say, we were both shocked to finally meet the other.

Daphne was beautiful in every sense. She had the same dark hair and olive complexion as her brother matched with a tall, lean limbed frame. But her eyes were the clearest blue, just like her mother's; they were the most enviable shade. She carried herself like royalty, her chin raised in the air and her eyes challenging, sizing up her surroundings. I was intimidated by few, but being near Daphne made me uneasy.

She was older than Nathaniel by a year, and her mannerisms showed it. She was rather calm and introverted, very reserved and observant. She hadn't said a single word to me since Margaret left, instead I could feel her eyes on me, constantly judging my actions and intentions. Nathaniel was not lying when he said it would be difficult to win Daphne's approval, I just hoped for us both, we could get along eventually.

"Are you going to eat?" She finally asked, sitting across from me, a perfectly shaped brow arched at me.

I glanced down at my plate, looking at the food that was shoved around. I shrugged. "I have a lot to think about. I have lost my appetite," I said softly, watching as she sat back against her seat, nodding her head, her eyes settling on something far away.

"Nathaniel seems to like you," she said, breaking the silence, taking me by surprise. "And you've received my parent's blessing, which is a difficult feat in itself."

I nodded my head, watching her expectant eyes. "I'm assuming that you know of what happened in Paris in April," I said after a moment. The smile that tugged at the corners of her lips told me all I needed to know as I blushed, knotting my fingers in my lap. "Of course," I muttered to myself.

"It was quite the show you put on," she said in a teasing tone, earning a bashful smile from me as I buried my face in my hands. "I admire your enthusiasm, and your courage to return."

"I am not proud of what I did, Daphne. But Nathaniel knows I am not that girl anymore," I reasoned, trying to defend her brother's faith in me.

"I want you to know that I support you, Astoria." I blinked at her words, not expecting her response. "I think you will be good for my brother, he needs someone who will keep him busy." I grinned at her words as she offered me a smile in return.

"Your brother speaks about you very fondly," I said, earning a soft laugh from her.

"My brother is challenging at times, but I am glad that he has finally found a girl that he can marry. Nathaniel is rather picky, he hardly finds a girl who he will be seen in public with, let alone marry."

"Then I should be all the more thankful that he chose me," I said softly. "Without Nathaniel's interest in me, I don't think anyone would have given me much thought. I am very grateful for your brother's kindness."

"Don't be fooled, Astoria," Daphne said, glancing at me over the rim of her glass of orange juice. "Nathaniel is no saint. His reputation, as shocking as it may seem, is just as marred as yours. His secrets are best kept behind closed doors."

"Are you referring to Portia?" I asked, sitting up taller in my seat, watching her eyes flash with curiosity as she set her glass down on the table.

"As I said, his secrets are a burden for him to carry, and not ones for me to tell. However, if I may, I would tell you that anytime you see those yellow roses," she said, pointing towards the kitchen. "My brother has something to apologize for. Yellow roses from Nathaniel only mean one thing from him."

I pursed my lips, watching as she quickly typed something into her phone. She stood from her seat but I reached across the table, grabbing her arm, watching her freeze. The startled look in her eyes signified the first break in her composure. I smiled at her as I stood from my seat, coming to stand beside her.

"Thank you, Daphne, for being honest."

She smiled at me as I embraced her. "You and Nathaniel will be just fine, Astoria. Just don't worry about Portia; what is done is done. There is nothing else you can do but move on from it. Take my advice, don't become angry about things you have no power over correcting. My brother's decisions have no reflection on you, just as hers only reflect on herself."

I nodded my head as she disappeared out of sight. I listened as her car drove off, leaving me alone at last, in the home. I walked up the staircase and into the bedroom, slowly packing up my bag, careful not to overthink Daphne's words.

I texted Nathaniel, telling him I'd be back in Paris by the evening as I collected my belongings, wrapping the yellow roses and stepping into the car that awaited me outside the home. As I watched the home disappear in the rearview mirror, I wondered idly if I'd made the right decision. Was I willing to let go of the thought of Portia? Was I capable of accepting yellow roses for the rest of my life?

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