Chapter 14: Recurrence

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"Hello Mrs. Woods," Nathaniel's assistant, Gregory, said, grinning at me from beneath the rim of his glasses. "Mr. Woods is waiting for you in his office." I nodded, grinning as I stopped outside the French doors.

We were finally back from the Hamptons, refreshed and as inseparable as ever. Nathaniel bought me a penthouse in Lyon close to downtown, while he still owned his loft by his office if he needed to stay late for work, which he rarely used. We spent most of our time in the penthouse or roaming the city.

After my mother and father decided to get back together, things seemed to run a lot smoother. My parents moved back to America, more specifically New York City, and they have been better than ever. My father and I corresponded daily about the company, as I am the sole heir of Wellington Mayfair and now the partial owner of Nathaniel's business. I was now a business icon, finally grown into the expectations I'd battled with my entire life. With Nathaniel, my leadership seemed to pour out of me. He pushed me to stand taller, held me to a higher standard. He and I complimented each other, my harsh techniques met by his calm demeanor. We were a lethal duo, a duo unmatched by anyone.

I could hear his voice on the other side of the door talking on the phone and my heart leapt. Just the sound of his voice gave me goose bumps as I reached for my stomach, unable to ignore the fluttering in the pit of my stomach. I wrung my hands as I opened the doors, stepping inside as he sent me a bright smile before holding up a finger to me. I patiently waited for his call to end, studying him before he enveloped me in a sweeping hug, nuzzling my neck.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked, his soft Italian accent prominent from the call he just ended with his father. I loved the silky softness of it, it made a blush creep to my cheeks as I regarded him warmly. He leaned back against his desk, his arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

I grinned, kissing him. I had news, big news. I felt as though I would explode if I didn't tell him. I felt my shoulders lifting on their own accord, too giddy to wait any longer. I pulled out the box from my pocket, pushing it in his direction, waiting expectantly for his reply. His brow furrowed as he opened it before I felt his body go rigid. He blinked a few time before looking at me with wide eyes.

His jaw slacked as his eyebrows shot up before he grinned, lifting me off my feet, twirling me. "We're pregnant!" He shouted, making me grin, holding tighter. "When did you find out?" He asked, holding me at arms length, his bright eyes studying mine, the smile inerasable from his features.

"I went to the doctors just to be sure before I came here," I whispered as he kissed my nose, the corners of my lips, my cheeks, and finally my lips.

"This is great news," he whispered, embracing me before circling his desk, sitting down in front of his laptop, feverishly typing away. Before I could question him he held up a finger. "I'm telling my parents and Daph, they're going to freak out. Stor," he said, making it impossible for me to feel any sort of doubts. Things had been going so well the past few weeks; it was hard to imagine my life before our marriage. Valentine's Day was in a few weeks; then after that we were going to visit the Wellington-Mayfair in Honolulu. I was going to surprise him. I oversaw all of the renovations and I was eager to show it off.

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