On Duty

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"Is everything ready for the baby?" My mother asked, glancing at me as I straightened the bedskirt on the crib.

I slowly stood upright, reveling my swollen stomach, unconsciously putting my hand on my stomach.  "As ready as expected."

"Nathaniel sure helped a lot," she continued as I shrugged.  "Why are you being so distant, Astoria?  You're worrying me."

"He dismissed me from the company-"

"The doctor said you need to be on bedrest, you haven't spent a second off your feet-"

"Which only proves that I should be at the company with him and not here stuck in the penthouse in Paris."

"Quit making it about your capabilities.  It's his child too, Astoria," my mother snapped and I opened my mouth to counter, but couldn't find an argument.  I huffed, sitting on the rocking chair, looking around the pale pink room.  Everything was decorated beautifully.  I was finally going to have my family-my perfect daughter-and I could not have been happier about it.

"I just wish he was here with me and not there," I grumbled, adjusting for my belly.  "I just wish this little girl would speed things up."

"If she is anything like you I wouldn't be surprised if she came a week early," my mother said and I scowled at her.  "Are you worried about Nathaniel?" She asked.

I hesitated before shrugging.  "What he does has always been independent from me."

My mother rolled her eyes.  "You and I both know that man has been in love with you since the pair of you began in the first place, Astoria Blair.  Do you think he would be so worried about Portia had Portia gotten pregnant?"

I scowled again.  "I just worry about him being in the city all week... I know he loves me but, what if things change again?"

"A child changes a man, Astoria Blair, your father proved that to me," she said dreamily.

"He ruined our family, mother," I grumbled.

She shook her head.  "We never loved each other before the marriage, but after you were born, he wanted to make an effort to make things work.  We both did, but we were young and foolish and both made mistakes.  But eventually we found our way back."

"You didn't love dad when you got married?" This piqued my interest.  My mother seldom told me stories of her and my father when they were younger.  It was always an unspoken rule to never speak of it.  Now that they are happily together things must have changed.

"Your father, much like Nathaniel, was not my first choice.  He was much like Nathaniel when he was younger.  Dashing, many mistresses, well endowed, and handsome as could be.  But something happened.  One day, he woke up, and he realized that we were a priority."

"How come you never told me this?" I asked, thinking back on all the times I thought my father was just using my mother.  Now I know that the feeling was mutual the entire time.

"Because I thought it was going to be the same for the two of you the first time around.  I had underestimated how much you cared for him, and by the time I realized it was too late to do anything.  I couldn't bring myself to tell you."

"I love him, mom," I said softly, resting my hands on my stomach, feeling the soft lull of the baby in my stomach kicking.

"You are going to make a wonderful family," my mother cooed, making me grin.  We sat in silence for a few moments before she held my hand in hers.  "You're going to be a wonderful mother, Astoria Blair," she said with glossy eyes.

I'd never seen my mother look at me with such genuine pride, which made my heart swell as I nodded, blinking back tears of my own.  "Damn pregnancy hormones," I grumbled as she embraced me before taking a step back.

"Will you be alright if I go take a nap?" She asked.  I nodded, relaxing against the back of the seat, watching her disappear from the room.  I closed my eyes, resting my head back, my hands comfortably resting on my belly.  I thought of everything that had happened.

I thought of Rafael, the first man whom I ever knew as well as myself.  The first man I'd ever met that showed me how it felt to be loved.  I thought of Portia, who despised me, who was so unhappy because of her decisions.  I thought of Daniel, the man who helped frame me into the person I am.  The first person who stole something from me that I'd never be able to take back.  I thought of my first marriage and the love I lost.  I thought of the child I lost in Spain, my first child that I would never be able to watch grow.  I thought of the life I almost lost when I was too weak to keep going.  And last, I thought about the life I have now.  Bliss.  I felt pure bliss.

"Stor?" Nathaniel said softly, his knuckles caressing my rounded cheeks.  He offered a crooked smile, one that made my heart beat in my chest as I offered a groggy smile.  "Hi baby," he cooed, kissing my forehead, scooping his arms beneath me.

"You came home," I whispered softly.  "It's only-"

"I decided I couldn't wait until Friday to come home and see you," he said softly, lifting me.  "I missed my girls," he mused as I rested my head on his shoulder as he rounded the corner, entering our bedroom.

"I'm glad you're back," I said softly as he set me on the bed.  I studied him, letting my fingers trace his shoulders as he sat beside me.  "I missed you too."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder.  "How is Charlotte May doing?" He asked.

I sat up, intently staring at him.  "Charlotte May?" I asked.

I could see the anxiousness in his eyes as he nodded his head.  "I thought-"

"I love it," I whispered feeling my cheeks redden.  "I love it, Nate."

"I love you," he said softly, resting his hands on my stomach.  "And I love you," he cooed, kissing my belly.  I grinned, relaxing against the pillows as Nathaniel cuddled me close.

I tensed up as I felt a cool pool settle between my legs.  "Nate," I whispered as I sat up.  "I think Charlotte is coming early."

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