Chapter 4: Meet the Parents

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          I immediately stood taller, putting on a simple smile, trying to cover my shock

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          I immediately stood taller, putting on a simple smile, trying to cover my shock. His girlfriend? His parents? This was a lot to take in on the first date. "Astoria, this is my mother, Margaret, and my father, George." Margaret skipped formalities and embraced me, taking me by surprise.

Nathaniel's mother was a few inches shorter than me in her tall heels, but never the less stunning. Her chocolate brown waves and her crystal blue eyes shown through her olive tone complexion. She had a soft dusting of wrinkles, but they just added to her beauty. She looked like a perfect, pristine china doll. She was everything that Nathaniel expected me to be, which made me square my shoulders and fold my hands in front of me as she stepped back from me, surveying me, nodding in approval as her bright eyes met mine in a warm glance.

"Astoria, Nathaniel has spoken nothing but good things of you, for I can only assume you are the mystery girl he has been incessantly speaking about." A blush crept to my cheeks as I looked back at Nathaniel who was in deep conversation with George. "Oh, ignore them, they always get like this when they speak of business. Come, sit with me."

I nodded, following her to the front of the box, sending a wary glance at Nathaniel who just smiled at me, returning back to the conversation with his father.

"So, Astoria, Nathaniel told me that your father owns the Wellington Wayfair, it is such a lovely company, when we are in the states, we always stay a few days in the city."

"Yes, my father and I both have equal ownership," I said, stating the lines my mother had made me rehearse a million times over. "The company has been doing really well, we experienced record numbers last year, we were all extremely pleased with the results."

"Really? Nathaniel is lucky to have encountered such an articulate lady of society. He has had bad judgment in the past; he has let his heart decide rather than his mind. But look at you, such beauty, and although you have a reputation, I see potential in you. You will do good things for this family, just as this family will do much good for you as well. Nathaniel has a lot to offer to the women in his life, both positively and negatively. Life is all about choices."

I bristled at what her words implied. "Do not take this the wrong way, Mrs. Woods, but my interest in your son is not aligned with my political interests. I am interested in your son because he is bright, not because of his assets."

"The ambitious ones always are interested in his personality," she said in a mocking tone.

I tilted my chin in the air, letting my eyes scan over the crowd as I chose my words carefully. "Do not confuse my ambition with my passions, Mrs. Woods. I have ambitions for my company, and a passion for Nathaniel. I have money enough, and stature, to support myself. I do not need Nathaniel around to support me."

"I've ben told that you were quite a fighter," she said with a grin, clasping my hands, catching me by surprise. Her eyes softened as she looked at me. "He needs a woman who can stick up for herself. And if he approves, then so do I."

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