Chapter 12: The Aftermath

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Mature content is once again italicized.  Hope you enjoy the chapter. X.

Nathaniel sat beside me on the party bus, grinning about something that his cousin, Danny, a stocky Italian, said

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Nathaniel sat beside me on the party bus, grinning about something that his cousin, Danny, a stocky Italian, said. I had lost count of how many shots the two of us had taken. Four, seven? I couldn't recall, but I didn't really care. Tonight, we celebrate. Cheers to the new Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Woods.

We had stopped three times for pictures, all of which ended up as disasters. The groomsmen were so drunk they hardly heard a word Andre said, and Nathaniel, well Nathaniel couldn't keep his hands off of me. Speaking of, his hand rested on my lower back, as his breath fanned my neck, making my eyes flutter closed.

"Mrs. Woods," he whispered, nipping at the soft skin behind my ear, making me gasp. "I like the sound of that," he said huskily. Everyone on the bus was occupied, laughing at a drunk Daphne as she told countless stories about her failed relationships. I grinned to myself; she was going to regret that in the morning.

Nathaniel's free hand rested on my knee, drumming along to the music as I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you," he whispered for the eighth time this bus ride, not that I counted.

"I know," I whispered as the bus came to a halt, knocking a few people around before a roaring laugh erupted in the bus. As we all filed out of the bus, Nathaniel's hands reached for mine, pulling my back to his chest, dropping his face, burying it in my neck. "Alcohol makes you very affectionate," I teased, pulling away, earning a Cheshire grin from him as he carried my dress behind me. Rafael extended his hand for me, helping me off the bus, sending me a knowing grin.

He was probably the only person who wasn't buzzed in the entire bridal party. Nathaniel held my dress in his arms, grinning at me as he extended his arm. "Astoria!" My mother called from the steps, racing down with Margaret in tow. "We need to fix you up at once," she said as if it was the direst thing in the world. She quickly bustled the gown. Problem solved thank heaven. She wiped the sweat from her brow, grinning at me as Nathaniel reached for my hand. I wanted to tell her that I was still really irritated with what I saw last night, but the words got caught in my throat as I saw her lurking on the terrace of the restaurant next door.

I held tighter to Nathaniel as I watched her peering at me from the balcony, leaning over the edge, drink in hand. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or my vindictive nature bubbling at the surface, but I wanted to make her feel what I felt last night, even for a moment. I wanted her to feel like his second choice.

I quickly grabbed Nathaniel, pulling him into a long, sultry kiss. I could feel the grin on his face as he kissed down my jaw towards the hollow of my neck. "Oh the things I'd do to you if we were alone," he whispered, nipping at my neck, making a grin spread on my lips. I watched her over his shoulder, threading my fingers in his hair, watching the anger in her eyes as his arms wound around my waist, pulling me flush against him. I tilted my neck, giving him better access, watching her face redden. It's not fun being on the wrong end of Nathaniel's affection, is it? I thought to myself, glaring at her from beneath hooded eyes.

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