Chapter 10: Cold Feet

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            "Do you Astoria Blair Wellington take Nathaniel George Woods to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest said, eyeing me speculatively as Nathaniel raised his eyebrows suggestively at me, making me giggle.

"Oh for heavens sake, could the two of you behave for a moment?" My mother said exasperated from the first pew. "Nathaniel," she chided, earning a soft chuckle from him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yes, Ms. Wellington?" He asked, feigning innocence as he kissed my forehead.

She let out an exasperated sigh, sitting back against the pew. "Her mother is right, Nathaniel," Margaret spoke up lazily, rising to her feet, fighting a smile, putting her back between Nathaniel and I and my mother. "The two of you shouldn't look so happy on the eve of your wedding day," she teased, clasping her hands before running them down her white dress pants. "I think they're having a grand time, don't you agree Elizabeth?" Margaret asked with a leveled look at my mother. "I can only imagine what they will act like after they're married."

My mother's expression soured for a moment before she conceded. "They look very pleasant, Margaret," my mother said sweetly. "Astoria," my mother said, motioning for me to raise my chin. "Shoulders back darling."

Nathaniel sent me an easy smile before scooping me into his arms, swinging me around, giving me a panoramic view of our bridal party. On my left stood Nathaniel's sisters and a few close relatives, and on Nathaniel's right stood Rafael, Livingston, and a few other men from Nathaniel's side of the family.

"Shall we prepare for the rehearsal dinner?" Nathaniel asked, swinging me around so that I faced Rafael. The face he sent me made me let out a fit of laughs, holding back a smile.

"Rafa," I purred, earning an eye roll from him as Nathaniel set me back on the ground, fixing the fabric of my dress. We wore the same outfit we did on our first date, the green dress and the green paisley tie; it was my mother's idea. She said it symbolized new beginnings, and I couldn't agree more. Nathaniel extended his arm to me and I gladly took it as we raced down the aisle, elbowing the other to get ahead.

"Astoria!" I heard my mother call behind us as I cut Nathaniel off, emerging onto the streets of Paris. I grinned at Nathaniel as his father pulled the car up and we climbed into the front seats, racing towards the Shangri La Hotel, where everyone would stay for the evening.

The valet opened my door and almost immediately Nathaniel extended his hand to me, which I gratefully accepted. "You look beautiful," he whispered, leaning close before kissing my temple.

"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle Wellington and monsieur Woods," the petite hotel manager said eyeing Nathaniel. Her dark hair was sleekly pulled back from her eyes in a high bun, accenting her bright blue eyes. "Follow me," she instructed, standing taller as she walked us towards the ballroom. As soon as the French doors parted I squeezed Nathaniel's hand, grinning.

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