Chapter 9: Secrets

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Just a PSA to all readers, this chapter will discuss and contain mature content that will give a bit of a background on why our heroine is the way she is, however this chapter is not for the faint of heart.  To those readers who are easily unsettled by more adult topics and content, please be warned as I do not want to have you read on and hate the story because of one chapter, therefore, the mature content in this chapter is italicized.

  I felt my heart skip in my chest and I uncomfortably shifted in and out of consciousness

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  I felt my heart skip in my chest and I uncomfortably shifted in and out of consciousness. I could feel hands on me, making my insides twirl as I arched my back in my sleep, pressing my legs together. My breath became tight as I ached for space, feeling claustrophobic and too hot.

I couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips as I stiffened, opening my eyes to find hands covering my chest, touching me intimately in ways I'd never experienced. I immediately tried to get up, but I was held down, unable to control the moan in the back of my throat. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but smell alcohol and feel my pounding headache.  My thoughts were a clouded mess, one I had trouble sorting out as I looked around the dark room, disoriented.

"Neil?  Is that you?" I asked groggily, my jaw slacking as his hands drifted lower, cupping me, making me sober quickly. "Stop," I whispered, trying to clumsily wriggle free, but he just squeezed me harder, grinding his hips against mine, making my skin crawl.

I felt his wet kiss on the back of my neck and shivered. "I need you Stor," he whispered, squeezing my sides as his mouth drifted down my chest, making me involuntarily let out a pant, breathless. "You need to calm down, honey," he purred, sitting up. I groggily watched him as he reached across me, giving me a glass of water. He sat there, in his suit jacket, dress pants, untied tie, and shoes, reeking of alcohol. I pulled the covers high on my chest as I glared at him.

"It's three in the morning," I said groggily, holding my head in my hands, wincing. What the heck happened last night? He reached out for my hand but I swatted him away. "I told you, I have no interest in you, leave me alone," I slurred, dropping back on the bed, scooting away from him, closing my eyes, close to sleep before I heard the shuffle of clothes and he was on top of me, pinning my hands above my hand, covering my mouth with his hand. My eyes went wide at the sight of his bare chest, too petrified to look any farther down.

"This could have been really enjoyable for you," he whispered, licking my nipple, making me writhe beneath him. My eyes were wide in fear and his eyes were hooded, blood shot, crazed. I'd never forget the animalistic gleam in them, it haunts me every day.  "I know you want me just as badly as I want you," he said, grinding against me through the blanket suggestively, making my eyes well up with tears as I violently shook my head.

"You need to leave," I spat between his fingers, trying to show him the courage I lacked. He laughed, prying my jaw open, pouring the water into my mouth. I choked on the liquid, unable to keep myself from drinking it.  Instantly my stomach tossed and I felt nauseous.  What was he doing here? Why was he in my bedroom? Questions swam in my mind as everything became hazy, jumbled together. Everything was a blurry mess in my mind, a painting without a clear meaning.  I couldn't think, my mind was numb.

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