Chapter 21: Old Dog, Old Tricks

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            I woke up sitting in a plush leather seat, covered in a white blanket, staring straight at Nathaniel who was busy typing away on his laptop. I yawned, looking out the window to find myself face to face with an open, clear blue sky.

"We're twenty minutes outside of Lyon," he finally spoke up, glancing at me before his attention returned to his laptop. "We left last night," he said with a grin, massaging my calf for a moment before sitting back in his seat, putting his laptop and glasses away.

I nodded my head, glancing down at my leggings and Nathaniel's shirt. Of course, he dressed me instead of waking me up to do it myself. "Nathaniel," I began, but he stopped me with a raise of his hand.

"I've been thinking about things and I believe that it is only fair that I give you time to adjust in Lyon," he began, gauging my features. I sat silently, waiting for him to continue. "I think it's only fair for me to give you some time alone in Lyon, before I move in with you."

"So you're staying in your penthouse and I'll be in mine?" I asked, arching a brow.

"Daphne and Catalina have both requested to stay with you in my place," he continued as I nodded my head. "I'm doing this because I think it will be good for you to spend some time with the girls. Daphne told me that you both met while you were in Spain," he said smoothly.

"Daphne helped me pick out my gown from last evening."

"My sisters missed you, Astoria; they are hoping to make up for lost time, somehow."

"And you?" I asked, arching a brow.

"My time will come, Astoria. I'm giving you two weeks with them before I am moving back in."

"And then?" I pressed, trying to get him to admit what I already knew.

"Then we will go about life as it was before," he said shrugging.

"With Portia looming around and you trying to get me pregnant," I said monotonously.

"Astoria, we made a deal. If I allowed you to stay in Spain, then you would produce an heir when you returned. This is not a new idea that I am suddenly spurring on you," he reasoned as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to change," I said dismissively, reaching into my bag, pulling out a black sleeveless dress.  I disappeared into the bedroom at the back of the cabin, quickly shedding my sweats for a clean, crisp dress.  I ran a brush through my messy curls from last evening, pinning back one side before applying a little gloss.  If I was going to fight with Nathaniel, I would look the part of the spoiled billionaires wife.

As soon as I stepped out, Nathaniel's eyes were on me, surveying me.  I grinned, satisfied with his reaction.  I'd slimmed down a bit more while I was in Spain with Rafael; my curves had become more prominent, my cheek bones more accented.  "You know Nathaniel, last night I almost believed that you genuinely missed me," I said venomously, watching the fire return to his eyes. "I almost felt guilty for staying in Spain for a month."

"Astoria," he said in a warning tone. I just smiled sweetly, taking my seat across from him once more.

"I really don't like you Nathaniel," I said through gritted teeth. "And I really don't like your mistress. Do us a favor this time-don't let our paths cross, because I will not be held responsible for what I do to her. She may be your lover, but she means nothing to me-she means the same dead or alive."

"Is that a threat?" He asked as the seatbelt sign dinged, warning us about our impending landing as the cabin tilted to the side, descending through the sky.

"No, it's a promise," I sneered, buckling my seatbelt, glowering at him.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he avoided my sneering gaze. "Why can't we just get along for fifteen minutes?" He asked, glowering at me.

I shrugged, sitting back against the seat as we landed. I silently picked up my Louis Vuitton luggage and pulled a pair of sunglasses from my tote bag. I brushed past him as the flight attendants helped me with my bags, helping load them in the back of the town car as I sat in the backseat of the car, stewing.

When Nathaniel sat beside me we were both silent as the driver weaved through traffic, finally stopping outside of my penthouse. Without a word I got out of the car, taking my two bags before walking into the lobby. I ignored the curious stares as I waited impatiently for the elevator. Finally, when it arrived, I stepped inside, furiously hitting the button, trying to get the door to close before Nathaniel's hand could stop it. Unluckily for me, Nathaniel did make it inside.

We were both silent as I walked down the hall ahead of him to the last door in the hall, unlocking the door before walking inside, not shocked to see the penthouse looking exactly as I had left it.

"You can leave now Nathaniel," I said calmly, not turning to face him as I stepped into the bedroom, unsurprised to see that his clothes were no where to be found.

"Astoria," he pleaded.

"Why don't you go visit Portia?" I spat, kneeling on the ground, starting to unpack my clothes. "I'm sure she'd be thrilled to have you in her bed again, Nathaniel," I said sourly.

"Don't be like this, Stor."

"What do you want me to be like, then, Nate? Please, enlighten me, because I am having a hard time keeping up."

"Just... understand. Please."

"Understand what?" I snapped, glaring up at him before I continued to pull items from my bag, not paying attention to what they were as I laid them flat on the floor of the closet.

"Understand that this is difficult for me too."

I laughed humorlessly, unable to keep the disbelieving grin from my lips. "I didn't realize that having everything you wanted could be so draining," I mused, glaring at his feet before moving to the next suitcase.

"You make everything so difficult for me, why can't you just..."

"What! What else could you possibly want from me, Nathaniel? I'm here, okay. I'm here. I played the role of the good wife last night. I didn't embarrass you. I haven't done anything to embarrass you. I didn't sleep with another man. I've done everything I can to keep this sham of a marriage together in the eyes of the public. Could you just leave me be? I'm so tired of this. This is not my fault. Everything wrong with this marriage is your fault. I came back here for you, because I can keep my promises. When I promised fidelity, I meant it. I'm here because I promised, not because I want to be here."

"Where would you rather be?" He asked.

I laughed humorlessly, slowly rising to my feet, straightening my spine, and staring him dead in the eye. "I'd rather be with Rafael, in Spain, with the man who loves me-who treats me more like his own wife that my own husband!"

"You're my wife," he seethed, grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, turning my face upward.

"Jealous, Nate?" I asked with a sinister smile. He set his jaw as he released me.

"Two weeks," he warned. "I'll be back in two weeks."

"Two weeks," I said sickly sweet. "Can't wait."

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