Chapter 8: Just A Friend

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            It turns out that planning a wedding is not as fun as one would hope. Like yesterday, I went dress shopping for eleven hours before the personal shopper lost her mind and made us leave the store. Or when I went to pick out colors: I favored pale pink and a soft off white, Nathaniel's mother wanted Navy and white, and my mother wanted sea foam green and gold. I compromised, choosing sea foam green and the soft white that Nathaniel's mother wanted. Not to mention place settings, silverware, and centerpieces. I didn't even attempt to get into that argument, all that I required was white peonies and hydrangeas, which seemed a simple request to both the women.

Today, Nathaniel and I are choosing a cake flavor for our wedding that is a month away. It seems crazy to think about. It was already late November, in less than a month I'd be married and I'd be the new Mrs. Woods.

"A.B., you ready?" He called from the foyer. I grinned as I put the back on the diamond stud earrings he got me and raced to meet him. I stopped when I saw him. He was in a pair of dark wash jeans and a white button down and a pair of his leather shoes. His sunglasses hung from the collar of his button down. He looked as classic as usual, and him in jeans was a rare sight, so I reveled in the seldom sight.

I wore a pair of black heels, white loose fitting jeans, and a black button down, my hair up in a ballerina bun, my black purse in hand. "I'm just saying this now, I want-"

"Lemon, strawberry, or chocolate, I know," he said with a chuckle, opening the door and grabbing my hand, a routine we had down to a science. He locked the door behind us as we walked out to his black Bentley. I would never get used to his money. I came from money, enough to support the lifestyle I wanted, but he had money, more money than I could ever comprehend spending.

When we got in the car he left one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with mine on my thigh. "I can't believe we are getting married," he said softly as we pulled up outside the bakery. I nodded my head, getting out of the car, immediately met by the delicious smell of food. As soon as Nathaniel opened the door my senses went wild. Every delicious scent-cheesecake, chocolate, tiramisu, key lime pie, cakes-met my nose, making me weak.

"Good afternoon Nathaniel," the baker said, wiping her hands off on her apron. I immediately stood a little taller at how casually she said his name. It seemed so familiar on her mouth.

"Nice to see you Lena," Nathaniel said, ignoring formalities, pulling her into a hug, taking me off guard. He knew her? He left his arm around her shoulders, grinning at me. "You look beautiful," he said, kissing her temple, making a slight frown form on my face as I watched them. He was so comfortable and affectionate towards her, a past lover, perhaps? I bristled at the thought. Portia was enough for me to worry about, I don't think my stomach could handle another.

"Who is this beauty you have brought to me today, Nathaniel?" She asked in a genuine, kind voice, making me look from her bright eyes to his, arching a brow. He grinned his lopsided grin as he stepped away from the girl, Lena.

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