Chapter 32: Shunned

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            "I thought I raised you better than this, Nathaniel George! What were you thinking? I thought you had let that Portia go a long time ago," his mother fumed, staring at her son from across the conference room. "I knew I should have gotten rid of that girl myself-and Astoria! Making her lie to me all this time about my grandbabies when the entire time you wouldn't give her children? All the times she cried about not being able to conceive children, I didn't know that she wasn't able to conceive because you were off fraternizing with your slut! You were so attached to Portia that you couldn't give your wife children?"

"Margaret," George chided, trying to control his wife. "Give Nathaniel some peace, it has been a long week for all of us-" Margaret glared at her husband, making him back up.

"No son of mine will behave like this. I'll be damned if you see her. You did this to her."

"Mom, I didn't know this was going to happen-"

"Give me a break would you? You were married to her for three years and you hardly know the girl at all. And Rafael! He'd give her the children she fantasized about in that letter without a second thought. He saw how lucky he was to have her, and now, he has the chance to give here everything you wouldn't give her. How could you refuse her?"

"This is ridiculous, she is my wife, you can't just promise her away to Rafael."

"Your mother's right," George said, speaking up, staring at his son, impassive. "Just go home to Portia, that's where you belong, and send the divorce papers back when you're there."

"What divorce papers?" Nathaniel asked, clenching his jaw. "We don't need a divorce, father."

George let out a hollow, cruel laugh, dismissing Margaret with a kiss on the forehead before guiding her to the door before locking it behind her. "You honestly think I'm going to let you stay with her after the way you've acted? You're lucky I haven't revoked your rights to the company yet, Nathaniel."

"That is not fair and you know it."

"Fair? That's rich, coming from you," Margaret scolded. "Making Astoria lie this whole time-Portia went straight to the media about Astoria's condition. And you haven't done one thing to correct it. The media is having a frenzy with her press release. Divorce, suicide attempt, pregnant by another man! Astoria is ruined, and I blame no one but you, Nathaniel. Portia needs to go, and until she is gone, you won't be in the office. I will notify everyone in the office immediately, I'm taking back control until you come to your senses," his mother seethed.

"I will handle Portia, just as I will handle things with my wife when the dust has settled."

"You are irresponsible and you almost let that girl die. It's too late, Nathaniel, you lost your chance." George said finitely, crossing his arms.

"How bad was she when they found her," Nathaniel asked in a small voice. His father shook his head, not speaking. "I at least deserve that much before I divorce her! Answer me!" He yelled, his heart pounding as he pointed an accusatory finger at his father, seething.

His father scoffed. "She wasn't even breathing when they found her-they thought she was gone until they used the paddles to bring her back. And she had the papers already drawn up for the divorce; they were sitting on top of the boxes of your things that were in her penthouse, in Paris. She doesn't want anything to do with you, and I'm not going to be the one to stand between that girl and her happiness. I would be doing her a disservice."

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