Chapter 45: Shifting Alliances

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I've always wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall.

As I stood in front of the mirror, carefully inspecting my lemon yellow, tea length dress, I wondered what Portia was doing.

Was she furious she was going to see Nathaniel?  Or was she elated that she'd be reunited with Nathaniel?

I didn't care to dwell on the possible answers as I smiled at myself in the mirror, inspecting my final look.  I was going to face the girl who had taken everything from me, and I knew that no matter what happened tonight, I was going to be okay.  Because I had Nathaniel in my corner this time.

I am stronger-better-because of what happened.  And I have a friendship with Nathaniel that I'd never had before.

I wiped my hands on the front of my dress, smoothing out the fabric as I fixed my half up half down hair style that revealed my diamond, teardrop earrings Rafael had gotten me.  They were so simply beautiful, and they gave me a sense of comfort knowing that a part of him would be with me today.  I needed his strength.  I was soaking it in like a sponge, absorbing every available ounce.

Lucie sat patiently at my feet as I applied a pink gloss to my lips, pleased with the sudden, sweet innocence of my look.

I looked like the girl that Rafael had always seen me as, and I was finally behaving like the girl he always knew I could be.  I was proud of the way that people saw me.  I stood taller and had grown into myself.  I am admirable, not laughable.

At age 26, I am an heiress, a CEO, and an independent.  I am everything that Rafael knew I could be, and the thought that he was proud of me, somewhere, made his absence seem manageable.  Most days seemed impossible without him, but I know he wouldn't want to see me dwelling over his absence.  If there was one thing Rafael was, it was forgiving.

"Knock knock," a warm, smooth voice called from the doorway.  I turned around, folding my hands behind my back as I looked straight at Nathaniel.

He wore a crisp, navy suit and a yellow tie.  His hair was brushed back from his cool, blue eyes, and his cheeks were peppered with stubble, something that Portia hated, which made me love it even more.  He is just as enthusiastic about the meeting today as I am.

"Are you ready?" I asked, reaching for my bag, taking a smooth step in my heels, conscious of the way his eyes followed my every movement.

"You look like a Princess," he commented with a low whistle as I offered a soft smile, stepping past him.

"I look like I'm about to see my ex-husband's ex lover," I commented smugly, letting my fingers graze the railing as I walked down the staircase.  "Why did they come to Granada to arrange the meeting?" I inquired as Nathaniel followed close on my heels.

"Portia said she preferred Granada," Nathaniel said, opening the front door for me as I walked out, ducking beneath his arm.

"We should have flown to Paris for the fun of it then," I commented, grateful for the humor filled hum of Nathaniel's laugh.

"I figured it was the right thing to do," Nathaniel commented, opening the door to his black ferari.

"Since when do you do the right thing?" I teased.

"Since I met you," he teased.  I scoffed brushing past him.  "You encouraged me to be better."

I arched a brow, settling into my seat as he shut the door, my eyes following his movements outside the windshield.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as he sat beside me, sighing as he put the key in ignition, listening to the gratifying purr of the engine.

"Were you nervous to see me again?" Nathaniel inquired.

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