Chapter 27: The Guild is Gone

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        I never imagined that this moment would come

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        I never imagined that this moment would come. But it has. I sat wide awake in Rafael's bed, his arm wrapped around my bare stomach, pulled tightly against his chest, listening to the even rise and fall of his chest, recounting the events of the night as the sun was just beginning to peak into the room.

I had officially broken the conditions of the prenuptial agreement, and I felt... invigorated. I felt Rafael's hands tighten around my stomach as I interlaced out fingers, leaning into his touch as his lips pressed into the base of my neck.

"Good morning," he said huskily, making my stomach clench, recollecting last nights events. "How long have you been awake?" He asked, turning me on my side so that we were face to face.

I smiled as I let my fingers trace the planes of his chest, memorizing them. "Since you fell asleep," I whispered honestly, unable to find it in myself to lie any longer.

"Go to sleep," Rafael cooed, wrapping around me like a vice, making me grin as I shook my head, pecking his nose before offering him a soft smile.

"I don't want to waste the little time we have left together with sleep. That can wait," I mused softly, my fingers winding in his dark, unruly hair. "I love you so much," I whispered as he kissed the inside of my palm.

"I don't want you to go back to Lyon," Rafael whispered as I nodded my head, unable to find the words. "But I'm going to be staying in Lyon for the next few weeks," Rafael announced as I felt excitement well up inside me.

"Why?" I asked, searching his features.

"Nathaniel needs my help with the new project with Green Hotels," Rafael said softly as I nodded, soaking in the news. "I'm sorry, Astoria-"

"What is there to be sorry about?" I asked, feeling my spirits lift as I grinned at him, embracing him, burrowing further beneath the sheets. "He's given you back to me, Rafael. What could possibly darken this moment?" I asked.

He laced our fingers together, kissing the apple of my cheek as he lay back, staring at the ceiling. "I truly didn't know about the project until last night when Nathaniel called me right before the event, telling me the rough outline of the project."

"He didn't tell you either?" I asked, a little stunned. Rafael shook his head.

"Nathaniel has been very... silent with me as of recently."

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

Rafael shook his head, smiling at me. "What is there to be sorry about?" He asked, mirroring my words as I felt a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "He'd given you back to me, Astoria-"

"Shut up and kiss me," I interrupted as he all to willingly oblidged.


"I don't think I'm going to be coming home tonight," Nathaniel's distracted voice echoed through the kitchen as my phone sat on the counter, the speaker on my phone crackling briefly before he continued. "Is that alright?"

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