Chapter 39: Borrowed Time

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"Rafael you shouldn't be flying tonight," I reasoned as I sat in front of the television, Lucie resting across my lap, looking up at me with her bright blue eyes as I gently ran my fingers through her soft coat.

"It's just a light storm, it'll pass by the time I'm in Spain," he said dismissively.


"I promised you and Lucie I'd be home tonight in time to take you to dinner, I'm coming home," he said in a solute tone.  I could hear the pilot making the final checks in the background and I closed my eyes, taking a calming breath.

"If anything happens to you-"

"Nothing is going to happen-"

"I'm never going to forgive you."

"That's a bit dramatic," Rafael teased from the other end of the phone.

"Rafael, please-"

"The connection is breaking up, Stor, I'll call you when I land.... love-"

My phone buzzed, indicating the call was dropped as I irritably threw the phone across the room at the love seat, letting out a frustrated growl as the newscaster issued yet another weather and travel advisory.

"Astoria, do you want some soup?" Lana called from the kitchen.

"Yes, Lan, and a coffee, I think we have a long night ahead," I grumbled as Lucie whined at the thunder that shook the room.  "Shh," I cooed, cuddling closer to her, covering us up in one of Rafael's favorite blankets that smelt just like him, the comforting scent calming both of us as we watched the map of Spain slowly become engulfed by the storm system coming from the west.

Lana left around seven, before the storm got extremely bad, to go check on her husband and dog, and soon after that, the power turned off.  The howling winds and the relentless rains did nothing to ease my fears as Lucie and I shuttled into the basement, sitting on the couch nestled in the far corner, far from the windows, overlooking the turmoil outside.

We lay, covered in blankets, both anxious for the storm to pass as my cell sat on the couch, waiting for Rafael's call.  Around three a.m. I'd fallen asleep with a snoring Lucie, resting my head on her chest as we waited for Rafa, my stubborn, silly husband.


Lucie never growled.  That is, unless someone new was in the house, which immediately woke me.  I looked outside, the rain had slowed to a soft patter, but that did nothing to ease my nerves.  I slowly sat up, my eyes blindly scanning the room.  My eyes settled on my phone and I silently grabbed for it.  It was four in the morning, but the hour of sleep did nothing to help ease my nerves.

"Rafael?" I shouted, my voice echoing through the house as I listened to the shifting of the wood flooring above.  Lucie was now on her feet, growling as I glared at her, elbowing her, urging her to stop making noise.  "Rafael are you home?" I shouted, my voice more urgent this time as I slowly rose to my feet, grabbing Lucie by the collar, dragging her behind me as I silently made my way towards the staircase.

I heard a loud knock of something against the granite countertop and immediately flattened myself against the wall, holding my phone close to my chest as Lucie let out a soft rumble, but I nudged her, halting her mid-bark.

I watched, horrified, a hand covering my mouth as I listened to their loud footsteps coming around the corner towards the stairs, their flashlight bobbing up and down with their movements.  I pulled Lucie with me to hide behind the bar in the basement, my heart hammering in my chest as I pulled her as close to me as I could.

The room was now lit with a dull, hazy light and I knew I was in trouble.  I could feel them getting closer and I tried to make myself as small as possible, praying that whoever was in my home wouldn't dare to look.

But my prayers went unanswered as I found myself face to face with a pair of Nike tennis shoes and black jogger pants.  I winced as Lucie sat back against me, barking like a madwoman.

I released her, letting her lunge at the intruder as I scurried to my feet, taking a defensive stance as I finally met their gaze.  And when I did, I felt the wind get knocked out of me as I leaned back against the granite for support.

I felt as though I was looking at a ghost.  But he was real.  He was so real that it hurt to look at him.

"Expecting someone else?" He asked with a cheshire grin as I let out an ear piercing scream.

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