Chapter 3

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Dan turned around and walked back to Phil, I could see Phil laughing and Dan turning bright red. "Zoe did you see that?" Tanya whispered in my ear I nodded, Y/N seemed to notice that we were looking at someone and she turned around and waved at Dan and Phil, phil waved back. By the looks of things I think Dan had a crush, I could feel a wide toothy grin spread across my face, I told Tanya and Louise my theory and they both started laughing.

What were they all laughing about? Whatever it was it looked like it was very amusing.

After an hour or so people began leaving the park and soon it was just me, Zoe, Louise, Tanya, Phil and Dan.
Zoe and Dan were staring at each other, Dan seemed very tense, He shuffled towards me awkwardly "hi Y/N, sorry about earlier I was just a bit tired today" my brain just needed a couple of seconds, Dan howell was actually talking to me "Oh don't worry it's fine!" I assured him, I could see Zoe giggling in the corner of my eye and Dan gave her a glare he scratched the back of his neck. "We have to get going but I hope I can see you soon" Phil waved goodbye and they both wandered out the park and onto the street.

Immediately after they left Louise, Zoe and Tanya burst out laughing, they wiped tears from their eyes "what's so funny?" I said angrily, I put my hands on my hips. "Isn't it obvious?" Tanya chuckled, I thought about it for a while and I didn't know what she was talking about at all, "Dan has a MASSIVE crush on you!" They all exploded into laughter again.
Dan howell has a crush on me? This can't be. He was way to handsome and interesting for me!

Louise and Tanya went back to Lou's place and Zoe took me back to my flat. After she dropped me off I began fishing around in my bag for my keys I felt a piece of paper slip between my fingers, I pulled it out and I saw it had a phone number on it and underneath the number written in neat handwriting it said,

- Dans number
Hit him up ;)
From Zoe

I gave a small chuckle and opened my front door, I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter and continued into my living room. I dialled the number and it began ringing, "hello?" I could recognise dans tone immediately "hi Dan, it's Y/N from the park?" I chirped. "Oh! Hi Y/N! I didn't ex.. expect you to call" he began tripping on his tongue, it was actually quite cute, "I was just calling so that you could put me in your contacts" I explained, I felt really bad, I could've come up with a better excuse than that.

"oh well I was actually going to ask zo for your number" he was going to ask Zoe for my number?

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to summer in the city?" OMG OMG OMG!! Summer in the city was the uk's biggest YouTube convention!! "Sure! I'd love to go!" I beamed.

"That's great! When should I pick you up?" We began making plans and before I knew it, it was 11pm, "hey Dan, do you mind if I call you tomorrow? I'm really tired, I didn't get much sleep last night" I yawned at the end of my sentence and began to hide my face under my duvet, "sure, I'm tired to, goodnight Y/N" he said softly, "goodnight Dan" I hung up and slowly fell to sleep.

Hi guys! I hope your enjoying the story so far! I will try making a chapter every 2 days, make sure to comment and vote! Enjoy the rest of the story! (Also there will be a decision that need to be made in the next chapter!)

Edit; dear god this is tortuous kill me

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