Chapter 8

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"Hey Y/N" Dan whispered, I had taken him back to his flat but Phil still wasn't here. "Hey" I replied softly "how are you feeling?" I gave him some tea, he was on his sofa swaddled in blankets. "Not too great" he groaned, I sat down on the sofa and rested my head on his shoulder "why would Phil do something like this?" He sounded so upset, I hated seeing him like this. "I thought we were meant to be best friends.." Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tear trickle down his cheek "please don't cry Dan" I wrapped my arm around him, he began crying into my shoulder "it will all work out" I reassured him "I promise"

I suddenly heard the front door open, then I heard sobbing "oh god what have i done?" It was Phil. "Ph-" I put my hand over dans mouth, I got up and followed the sobbing sound. "Y/N" Phil looked up at me, his eyes were red and puffy. "Is Dan ok?" He sniffled "please tell me he's ok" I was a bit scared of him, he managed to knock out Dan for a good 3 minutes. "He's fine" I assured him "just a bit dazed" I kneeled down and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Phil?" Dan called out to him "is that you?" I turned to see Dan standing in the hallway. "Dan I'm so sor-" phils speech was cut of by Dan "why Phil?" Tears were falling from both of their eyes "you were my best friend!" He raised his voice "I TRUSTED YOU!"

He wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand "Get out" he commanded, I looked at him in shock "Dan you can't make him get out" I tried to reason with him "where will he go?" Phil had already stood up to leave "Phil don't go!" I walked closer to ...

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He wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand "Get out" he commanded, I looked at him in shock "Dan you can't make him get out" I tried to reason with him "where will he go?" Phil had already stood up to leave "Phil don't go!" I walked closer to Dan, careful not to get too close "why are you standing up for him?" Dan grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eye "because he's our friend!" I cried, pulling away from him "both of you get out". This isn't Dan howell, not the one I know "but Dan-" I tried to brush his fringe from his face but he grabbed my hand "I said get out" I was terrified of him, he could kill me with a punch to my temple "come on Phil" I held Phil's hand and dragged him out of the flat.

"What?" I was on the phone to Louise "Dan did that?" Phil and I had managed to walk to my flat before it started raining. "Please talk to him Lou" I had bitten my nail so much it was beginning to bleed "I will go check on him" she hung up. "This is all my fault" Phil was sitting on the edge of my bed with his head in his hands.

"It's not your fault" I walked over to him and gave him a hug "dans just upset". Phil stood up "did you see how he looked at me?" I watched him pace up and down the room "he looked like he was going to murder me" he ran his fingers through his hair "he was beyond upset".

Louise's POV-

"Dan?" I knocked on his front door "are you there?" The door opened and I saw Dan standing there, his eyes were puffy and red, his hair was a mess and he had a steady flow of tears falling from his eyes. "Dan? Are you ok?" I rubbed his shoulder in a pathetic attempt to comfort him "how did you know I was here?" He sniffled his nose and wiped his eyes "Y/N asked me to talk to you"

Dan let me in the flat "I really fucked up this time didn't I?" He sat on the sofa with his head in his hands "she's never going to talk to me again" poor Dan, today he's been punched by his best friend, knocked out and lost the closest thing he's ever found to love. "It will all work out" I murmured, that's a lie, I have no idea if it will turn out well, I just have to trust that they will realise that their friendship is too precious to throw away over a girl.

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