Chapter 10

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Dans POV-

I was sat on a bench waiting for her to arrive, I was at the park where we met and where Phil punched me. I could remember the look in Phil's eyes when he went in for the punch, I shivered slightly. I shoved my hands in my pockets and leaned back, I was thinking that she wasn't going to show up, I got my phone out to see if she was still coming and then I saw her. The amber street lights made her eyes shimmer, I stood up and took my hands out of my pockets "hey" I walked over to her and tried giving her a hug, she pushed my arms away gently. Ouch.

"So, what was that 'surprise' you had planned?" She asked, I felt a bit defeated but I wasn't going to give up on her just yet "we will get to that soon but I think we need to talk first" I said "I'm immensely sorry I did that to you" I began "It was uncalled for and just disgusting" she stared blankly at the ground "can you ever forgive me?" I pleaded. She sighed "I don't know, I'll think about it" she mumbled, hopefully she will change her mind after the surprise.

Your POV-

I was very unimpressed with this so - called 'surprise'. He looked down at his watch, "oh! It's almost 10pm!" Without saying another word he grabbed my hand tightly and started to drag me to the other end of the park. I started to hear crowds screaming, we came to a stop "Dan! What's going on?" I yelled over the noise, he held my chin and turned my head. I could feel a smile spread across my face "oh my god" I began laughing in disbelief, we were stood on top of a small ledge and beneath us was a massive crowd with a stage, written on the back of the stage was the number 1975 "HOLY CRAP!" I covered my mouth with my hands. "I knew you'd like it!" I was crying with happiness "thank you so fucking much!" I hugged him and he hugged me back "it doesn't mean your off the hook yet though" I whispered in his ear and sniggered.

I started jumping up and down to the music, it's always amazing seeing your favourite bands live. "You look like your enjoying yourself" I turned around to see Dan sat down smiling at me "and you don't" I stepped over and pulled him up "come on! Dance!" I pumped my fists in the air trying to encourage him "if I dance, will you forgive me?" I pondered this for a while "depends on how good your dancing is" he laughed and began to do the robot.

 "You look like your enjoying yourself" I turned around to see Dan sat down smiling at me "and you don't" I stepped over and pulled him up "come on! Dance!" I pumped my fists in the air trying to encourage him "if I dance, will you forgive me?" I ...

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He crossed his arms and did a sassy pose. "Not bad howell" I chuckled, we kept dancing for a little while before a vender came up to us and tried to sell us beer "you up for it?" Dan asked "I won't pressure you to do anything". I thought about it for a couple of seconds "why not?" We both grabbed a beer each and paid the vender. "3,2,1" we both took a big swig and wiped our mouths "mmm room temperature" I joked, we both finished our drinks anyway.

I had a thought "hey Dan, let's take a selfie for Instagram!" I yelled at him, the music was still blasting from the stage "sure!" Dan leaned down to fit into the frame and we both laughed at the height difference. "Now that, is Instagram worthy!" I saved the picture to my camera roll and kept dancing.

Dan looked at his phone halfway through the last song "woah! It's already midnight!" He shoved his phone back into his pockets "I should get you home soon" he approached me "do we have to?" I was slightly intoxicated at this point "unfortunately" he sighed "but we can always do it again soon". The 1975 left the stage and the crowd began to disperse. "C'mon" he grabbed my hand and led me through the wave of people trying to leave the park. "Do you want to come back to mine?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow and did his signature side smile "I think your a bit drunk for that" we made it to the exit and then we stopped "I didn't mean like that!" I dismissed the idea of us sleeping together "I meant we could watch Netflix and build a pillow fort!" He rolled his eyes at me. "Okay then" he smirked.

Dan hailed a taxi and within 2 minutes one had pulled up "where would you two love birds like to go?" We both shuffled into the car "we're not lovebirds" I corrected "just close friends" Dan slammed the door shut. "Sure you are!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Dan directed the driver on where to take us, then I remembered. 'Shit! Zoe's probably still at mine' I pulled out my phone and began to text her.

To Zoe
R u still @ mine? X

From Zoe
No, I left at 11:30 xx

From Zoe
Anyways how did it go??

To Zoe
It went great! He took me to see the 1975! I'll send you the details later xx

From Zoe
I can't wait to hear!! Bye!😘

To Zoe
Bye! Xx

The driver pulled up outside my flat, "that'll be £15 please" I handed him the money and left slid across the seats and onto the pavement "thank you!" I waved goodbye to the driver and walked up to the front door. I got my keys out and unlocked the door, the warmth of my flat was welcoming. "Welcome to my humble abode!" I took my boots off and walked into the living room. "Here is where the fort will be!" I jumped onto my sofa and raised my hands up. Dan laughed "your very energetic" he sat down on the sofa next to my feet "there's no time for chit-chat! We have a fort to build!" I gathered all of the pillows I could find from around my flat, I placed them in a pile next to Dan. "Let's get to work then!" He said, we both worked quickly and after half an hour we had a fort fit for royalty. "Perfect!" I walked around it getting a view of it from all angles before crouching down and snuggling in. "Are you coming in here or what?" I asked him, he crawled in beside me. "Cozy" we both laughed, it was true, there was barely enough room for me, let alone a giant like Dan. I slithered back out and moved the pillows away from each other, "is that better?" I fiddled with the fort walls "much better" I grabbed the remote and a blanket "here you go" I passed the blanket to Dan and he placed it over both of us gently. "What do you want to watch?" I asked, I began scrolling through the recommended section until something caught dans eye. "How about Aladdin?" I never would've thought Dan would be into Disney "sure!" I clicked on Aladdin and it began playing.

The first thing I heard the next morning was birds chirping from outside, I looked around the room. I was in my bed. I sat up and immediately I felt a throbbing sensation in the side of my head. My phone was on my bedside table along with a note

Good morning Y/N
You fell asleep during Aladdin so I decided to tuck you in, hopefully your hangover isn't to bad. Send me a text once you've woken up a little bit
(Btw I left a pack of crumpets in the kitchen)

What a gentleman.

Sorry it's late again! I wanted to take a bit more time on this chapter because it was quite an important one! I hope it was worth it, another chapter will be up within the next 3 days. Remember to vote and comment! I really value your feedback! Enjoy the rest of the story!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt