Chapter 6

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I was walking down the street playing a game on my phone, I was on my way to meet with Phil. I had been walking for about 6 minutes and I was almost at the park. The street I was walking down was lined with large silver birches and had lamp posts at regular intervals.

I looked up from my phone and scanned the area around me. "Y/N! There you are!" I heard Phil call out to me, I turned around and plastered a fake smile on my face "hi phil!" I gave him a brief hug, his eyes immediately drifted down towards my *cough* lady area. "Umm Phil? My eyes are up here" he immediately looked up and I hitched my top up slightly, I thought the phandom said Phil was 'innocent'. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I crossed my arms "it's fine" I was so embarrassed and I had inly been here for a couple of minutes and I already wanted to high tail it out of there.

After some more awkward glances and exchanging pleasantries I asked "so why did you want to meet up again?" I was growing slightly impatient by this point. "Well I just wanted you to know that.." He began "that I care about you" I was not expecting that "I care about you and I just wanted you to know that" he started walking away.

I couldn't just let him walk off after having a conversation like that. "Phil, wait!" I ran up to him "I care about you too, just not in that way" I explained "can we still be friends?" Before I knew what was happening Phil had grabbed me and leaned me back, all of a sudden phil pressed his lips to mine, warmth radiating from him red cheeks. "Mmmh!" My scream was muffled my his lips, after 15 seconds he pulled me back up "I'm sorry Y/N I had to do that, at least once" then he left for good.

I called Zoe immediately "hi Y/N! What's up?" She had her usual care free voice "Phil just kissed me" I sounded very confused like the concept of a kiss was entirely new to me "HE DID WHAT??" She was as shocked as I was "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED DAN?" ...

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I called Zoe immediately "hi Y/N! What's up?" She had her usual care free voice "Phil just kissed me" I sounded very confused like the concept of a kiss was entirely new to me "HE DID WHAT??" She was as shocked as I was "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED DAN?" She was practically screaming at this point "I do! He went in for the kiss! Not me!" I corrected her, I was on the verge of tears at this point. "I just want to go home" I started sobbing, I told Zoe where I was and she sent a taxi to fetch me.

When I got home i just flopped on my bed and let out all of my emotions, I was crying, screaming and then I just lay flat on my back figuring out what to do. Tell Dan? No, that would ruin their friendship. Tell Louise? No, she would tell dan. I had no idea what to do.

Ring, ring! My phone began ringing, I checked the caller id, shit it was Dan. I cleared my throat and answered "hi Dan" I mumbled "I know what Phil did to you" how? How did he know? "You.. You do?" I sniffled and wiped my nose "yes, Phil told me when he came home" I had a million questions buzzing around my brain that were begging to be answered. "He told me you kissed him" I could hear Dan start sobbing slightly, "no Dan! I didn't! Phil went in for the kiss, not me!" By this point I had given up on hiding my emotions and I was crying my eyes out "I need to go, see you later"

Talk about drama! A new chapter within the next few days as always! Thanks for reading! Xx

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